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Maintenance hitting EU Primetime! LOL times updated


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There are actual metrics behind this. They support doing the maintenance in this window. If the situation changed and more people played in EU peak time then US peak time, they would switch it. Until, deal.




If E.U. players really want things to change, they need to show that 6PM to 8PM is the actual peak time for E.U. servers. Only BW has the real numbers on when the peak times are, and they have scheduled the downtime based on that data.


Reality: Two days of downtime during the week is an acceptable amount of downtime for an MMO. AT least the maintenance is only 4 hours and not 6 to 8 like I've seen on other games. And it's only 2 days and not every day, which I've also seen on other games. Maintenance could be a lot worse.


And people think Americans have no patience. Apparently Americans are just like everyone else.

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Just adding my voice to those who are complaining about the continual poor timing of maintenance for EU customers.


Patching should occur when the fewest number of people are online for each timezone. That is, 2AM to 8AM on a Monday to Thursday morning - irregardless of what timezone you are in.


The current situation is ridiculous and unacceptable.


Nothing to add on this. :(

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U-S-A, U-S-A


repeat after me...



this is supposed to be ironic. But currently I do not know what is more funny, my fellow europeans or the US people just happy. that it doesnt concern them and having a little fun on the trolling front igniting nerd rage.


I mind the whole situation hilarious. Because if the shoe was on the other foot it would be Americans complaining and Europeans saying chill out.


Europeans would be saying "Americans are only crying because they are so self centered".


Instead it's the Europeans doing the "self centered" crying and saying "Americans are not supporting them (the Europeans) because they (the Americans) are so self centered."


Funny stuff.

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There are actual metrics behind this. They support doing the maintenance in this window. If the situation changed and more people played in EU peak time then US peak time, they would switch it. Until, deal.


You are missing the whole point and punch line on what i write there.


I said "If you really have to do a single maintenance period...". Do they really? I doubt that...for starters I have never seen this kinda large scale maintenance that can harm a single continent. Eve is the best example for that i suppose...everyday maintenance for a short period. Not that i am a fan of that; just an example.


You see this is not about US being centered or EU being an orphan or who has the biggest number of subscriptions. This is about planning. They can very well do separate maintenances or come up with solutions to this. Its not like there is only a single crew in BW that doing all the maintenance right? (LOL if thats the case) All i am saying is they are not trying nearly hard enough to make "all" of their customers happy or content even. As a big company who spent billions of dollars invested in this...they should.

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It's also about bringing UNTESTED patches to live which cause a silly for EU downtime and the next day they bring another patch to fix their broken last night's patch, which brings an even worse for EU downtime.


And still, Ilum pvp is not fixed. It's still mechanics that DRIVE players towards mass pvp in a game that is not designed for mass pvp... and thus we have no pvp at all. Just zerg kill farming3, pointless, not fun lagfest.


Am I the only one who comprehends this?

Edited by Lord_Indomitus
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This must be the most retarted comment I have read entire day...


Americans really think like this? If so its beyond pathetic really. You guys have zero emphaty or understanding of the situation.


There has been like 5-6 maintenance since launch and almost everyone of them was in 2AMCST. Do you guys also realize we have time differences in europe? Its not a friggin island and i am not at GMT. In fact I am at GMT+2 which totally messes my total day as a player. I might be able to play the game (if things go right) at 9:30PM my time today. Now lets have a moment and think together shall we? You are saying you are waiting the same amount of time. Yeah sure...but what friggin part of the day? You guys almost never have to WAIT for "anything". Maintenance has been starting when you hit the pillow and finish when you are yawning looking at the mirror. So dont give me that bull about waiting the same amount...


Been playing mmos for a very long time now and i have never seen such poor customer management (strictly maintenance time based). Its rude even; considering we are paying the same amount of money as you do yet loosing days...not just hours.


If you really have to do a single maintenance period then you plan a maintenance plan according to the worse timeline possible; not just a center of a whole continent. Or simply think of a method like taking turns between friggin continents. 1 week US suffers day time next week us. Not so hard is it? There are many possible solutions actually but BW just showed many times that they dont give a damn.



Don't bother. Most of them think, Europe is a small village 35 miles east of Hackensack, NJ. ^^

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