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Accuracy Rating on PvP gear


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Does anyone understand why there's so much Accuracy Rating on our Eliminator set? From what I understand, it's a great stat for PvE, but for PvP it's a tertiary stat. For my champion set, I swapped out my +Accuracy mods for +Alacrity from the Medic gear pieces. There's a noticeable difference in cast times, but I worry I'm losing something from the +Accuracy.


EDIT : If it's because BH needs it for their offhand then I'm a sad panda.



Edited by HuntinSikness
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From my understanding of accuracy, it would lower the chance for enemies to dodge/absorb damage. But with accuracy over 100%, it begins to ignore some of their defense.


Taken from Post


Accuracy: Chance that Force, Melee, Ranged, or Tech attacks will successfully hit the target. Accuracy over 100% reduces the target's defense or resistance depending upon the type of attack.

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From my understanding of accuracy, it would lower the chance for enemies to dodge/absorb damage. But with accuracy over 100%, it begins to ignore some of their defense.


Right, but who am I worried about having a lot of defense in PvP? Yeah tanks are a pain to drop, but when I'm shooting at eleventy-million sorcerers, accuracy isn't what I'm worried about.

Edited by HuntinSikness
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Thats a good point and to be honest, I don't know enough about the mechanics to really say anything definitive. My assumption is that with some of the defense being ignored, don't you just do more damage to all players? And then it would be worth it to find out, if that is the case, whether the accuracy would do more damage in the long run than power.
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From my understanding of accuracy, it would lower the chance for enemies to dodge/absorb damage.


But with accuracy over 100%, it begins to ignore some of their defense.




These two sentences are saying basically the exact same thing. You have a 90% chance, at base, to hit someone with Weapon Damage attacks, like HIB or Full Auto. Everyone has a 5% chance to dodge, so you actually only have a ~85% chance to hit them. If you get your accuracy to 100%, the still dodge 5%, so you only have a 95% chance to hit them. If you get accuracy to 105%, it would negate their 5% chance to dodge, and you would hit them 100% of the time. As far as I am aware, you would not have any benefit to increasing accuracy over 105% in this scenario where your target has the base 5% chance to dodge.


Your chance to hit with Kinetic Damage attacks, like Grav Round or Demo Round, is 100% base, and will always be 10% higher than Weapon Damage. Defense, dodge, and resist are all synonymous.

Edited by mujrim
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Then that would suggest that if you're Gunnery, there may be a happy medium. At 95% accuracy, your Grav Round and Demo round are hitting 100% of the time (assuming no extra defense), whereas your Full Auto and HIB are hitting ~90%. At that point it might be worth having some Alacrity since it buffs both Grav Round and Full Auto. In the case of AS spec, +Accuracy is everything since you're using almost all instant cast attacks.
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Here's your answer:




If it wasn't bad enough that Tech/Force attacks that deal Kinetic/Energy damage don't have to roll against an enemy's avoidance chance, they also get armor penetration from bonus accuracy.


The equation for it that I found was: 1 - (100/TotalAccuracy)

For example with 10% bonus accuracy you would have: 1 - (100/110) = ~9% armor pen


The weird thing though is that this is applied after every other armor pen or armor reduction(at least after the Commando's Gravity Vortex and Armor Penetration Cell), and it's a subtraction effect. For example if I had 50% armor penetration and 10% armor pen from bonus accuracy I would have 0% damage reduction on a target with 20% damage reduction from armor. You can also get negative armor reduction, increasing the damage you deal beyond the base damage of a spell.



Here's the googledoc that has all of my data. I realize it's not a whole lot of numbers, but it was very consistent.




I used Charged Bolts, a weapon damage attack, and Grav Round, a tech attack that deals kinetic damage. The first two sets of columns were done with class buffs from a warzone, so that's why the base damage is higher. After that, even though Charged Bolts has a higher average damage, it actually has a lower observed damage than Grav Round. The difference in damage reduction is roughly, 9.13%, where as the formula would say that the difference would be, 9.16%. I think it's close enough for the size of the sample. Also, the first column is done with AP cell on(35% armor penetration) and the rest is done without, and you can see that there is still the 9.13% mitigation difference, leading me to believe that the armor pen from accuracy is applied after everything else.


I don't know the diminishing returns on accuracy, but it seems like it's never a bad thing to have if you deal mostly Kinetic/Energy damage attacks. I haven't been able to test this for Force attacks yet, I don't have a high lvl sorc/sage and the test would be a little more difficult, but I would think that these findings would hold true for those attacks too.


So the final equation is:


((OpponentsArmor * (1 - ArmorReduction)) * (1 - ArmorPenetration)) - (1 - (100/TotalAccuracy) = Armor Reduction



(Yes, it's a post I made.)

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