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Sith Warrior: The Reflection SPOILER


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Hey there, I was curious about the Sith Warrior quest on Tatooine called, Reflection.




Basically if you're Light/Dark side you speak with a ghost who's the exact opposite aligment of yourself. I've seen on videos that have cutscenes of this quest and there's a chat option that says "I embrace (insert opposite current alignment)".


What I'm wondering is...does it actually swap your alignment around? I mean, if you've worked for your Warrior to be for instance, Tier 3 Dark and now all of a sudden your Tier 3 Light? I can see why that may happen cus well, the only decent marauder gear that you can get from the relic vendors is Light, and Juggernaut is Dark (from what I've seen)


And how come none of the other classes gets this kind of soul searching mission (that I am aware of)?


Any answers to this and what are your thoughts about this particular quest?

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It seems very doubtful that one class would get an instant reset alignment button. I think the ghost thing or whatever is just trying to get you to change yourself, not offering to change you. But I can't confirm that because of course I didn't let some illusion tell me how I should live my life!


Haha, that mission got under my skin. Me, weak? The nerve! :D

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From what I've read in other threads, it gives you a 150pt boost to the other alignment.


While not by a longshot a turnaround, it's still a pretty big oomph - I've never seen more than 100pt gain, and most are just 50pts

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  • 5 years later...
I was a dark side aligned juggernaut with approx. 16,000 dark side points. I embraced the light and only received +48 light side points. This quest will not reverse your alignment.

Those people were talking in 2012, when it wasn't even possible to get more than 10,000 points, and nobody knew much of anything about certain parts of the game. How did you even *find* this thread?

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Flat neutral as in 0 alignment or a "pale grey" as in less than Light 1?

My Juggernaut was "pale grey" for her whole run (which confused Jaesa so I got to choose if I wanted her Light or Dark) and I think my "reflection" on Tatooine was Dark, but it's been a while so I'm not 100% certain.

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Flat neutral as in 0 alignment or a "pale grey" as in less than Light 1?

My Juggernaut was "pale grey" for her whole run (which confused Jaesa so I got to choose if I wanted her Light or Dark) and I think my "reflection" on Tatooine was Dark, but it's been a while so I'm not 100% certain.


I don't think 0 is possible especially with this new attunement system. I meant anywhere between Light 1 and Dark 1. I half expected that you'd be attacked by both reflections lol(or none). Or choose which. I mean, if you're gray and a game chooses for you, it practically tells you how it wants you to play the character.

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