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[Suggestion]Secondary weapons being shown


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I know its not a game breaker and BW has more important things to fix, but i would like this idea to be at least given a chance for future patches.


In other MMOs the secondary weapons are clearly visible, shields, offhand daggers, books, skulls and such.


Take a look on WAR for example to see how the Warpriest goes with a mace and a book. Almost all classes have a secondary weapon slot used, being scaterguns, vibroknives, shield generators, force focus, whatever.


Is there any chance to see them implemented in a future? Scoundrels/Operatives use more the secondary weapon than the primary one, for the shield generators and focus they could be displayed in the belt for example.


To how would you implement that given the high number of threncoats and medium armor in the game, i am not english native and dont know how to look for this properly but found an image that could be useful Low back knife


Scatterguns could go also there. It wont interfere with the threncoats and/or armors. And the other passive equipment like shields and focus could be displayed in the belt emitting a faint glow (focus) and shine when the shield generator procced.


I repeat im not giving this a max priority, im well aware of the game status and the things that must be fixed and revised, but if the art department could have a look on this i would be more than satisfied.


Just my 2 cents.


And keep this out of trolling/flames please. The first thing i would like to see is Republic armor being given a look overhaul cause many of the end armors do not look good or at least eye candy. This matter is easily lookable, just get in any class forum and you will find posts about armor progression.

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