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Cybernetic bodyparts?


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I posted this in some other thread but can't find it, so I reckon no harm in bringing the topic back up again? Sorry if there already are plenty of posts about this, though. I just started playing the game two days ago so trying to get into it.


With TOR set way back in the past, before any of the Star Wars movies, I'm not sure where the level of technology is at in the game.

In the movies, when Anakin loses his hand/arm it's replaced by a bulky robot-looking thing. But in the not-so-distant future when Luke loses his hand, it's replaced by what looks like a normal hand; very realistic.


I'd definately like to be able to give my cyborg her replaced limbs without it looking extrermely unatural! But not at the cost of having to argue about their plausibility in every RP situation. I was planning on having both arms and a leg replaced, and a little something to fix her busted ears.


So where are we at now in SWTOR times, really? Would it actually be possible to make life-like limbs at this time or is the technology not fine-tuned and delicate enough?

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