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need help with levelin


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am a lvl 32 bh advanced proto..with as much maxxed out orange as the game will give u at this level. I am using an ion cylinder with experimental aim + stim and advanced attack adrenal and am fighting 2 assassins in a green phase area that has 1 gold 1 white and 2 reds to faceoff with. The fight starts at point blank range..too close 4 death from above and I am using mako who I also maxxed out as much as possible. I am using 2 purple lvl 29 aim + implants as well and I get scrapped in 8 sec flat. The dudes I am fighting are level 30 for god sake..someone tell there isn't a serious imbalance with the fight equation here. Any ways to handle it?
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it aint no heroic and it aint no group..its fightin house rist on alderaan..if this aint an imbalance I don't know what is..I aint no fan of fight to clear the trash..die and come back to finish them off..that gets frustrating and expensive and I aint got time for either.
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It's rough after 30. The transition from the "Hero" style of combat where you feel comfortable taking on groups is suddenly taken away. From here on it's heavy strategy and timing.


Gear is a small part of the equation. I've realized that stat modifiers per point yield little return making the gear progression feel a bit flat.


When taking on a group from here on out you need to identify class types of said NPCs:




Damage Sponge



You need to isolate the enemy with the largest health Pool using varying CC abilities and any available LoS (Line of Sight) strategy. Also continuing to keep said LoS between you and the ranged offense will help keep you going. The above post has a very useful tip as far as getting mako to focus on healing. However the double edged sword shows it's face when it comes to choosing a companion. IF you have a healer you survive longer but you drop your DPS considerably forcing you into a longer fight (this nearly eliminates the purpose of having additional heals). Having a DPS companion assists with this but you need to understand your burn options so that you can dispatch enemies before dying. One strat I like to use is having a tank class-- They do moderate amounts of damage and keep you free to DPS down mobs in sequence (lowest health first and then finishing with the highest health pool). The tank companion will most likely die but should have given you a sizeable buffer.



Biggest piece of advice is of course is LoS. The horrible path finding design and ability delay helps tremendously here. When enemies are LoS'd they will stay LoS'd for an inexplicable amount of time before wising up and continuing to DPS you. Bouncing out to throw some big shots or DoTS in before hiding again helps. Lots of NPCs have casting abilities which they will start when they see you and stop when they lose you.... This starts over their "Where the feck did he go!? AMG what do I do" phase.

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What are you talking about?


There is nothing too close for death from above. Nothing. Just cast it a little bit further ahead of you or get in slightly better position. It has 2 times as much aoe range than you see as marked area when you cast it.


Problems? Timing? Im lvl 34 BH right now. Alderaan is 2 levels behind me(I was there with 29-32 lvl). Every battle was piece of cake. I have died only once when i was attaked by rep-vanguard (me lvl 32, him lvl 37)

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