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Suggestion for general improvement of Combat.


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While I don't have really an issue with the Combat tree, many have expressed concern that it doesn't stand up to Watchman or Focus, particularly in PvP.


Combat can do massive burst damage when Precision is up, but that's such a short window in frantic PvP, it may be contributing to the frustration.


I was thinking about this and perhaps a simple change is in order? Make precision give 100% Armour Penetration to a fixed number of subsequent attacks, rather than a flat 6 second increase? That way, we can move from a target and take advantage of it without it running out during the transition - somethign I find a common problem in the CC-heavy world of PvP.


Eg. "Your next 4 attacks have 100% Armor Penetration" or something like that.


What do you think guys and gals?

Edited by BlackBaronUK
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In my opinion combat is just as good as watchman for PvP, if not better.


I have played both, damage wise they are around the same, combat has a higher mobility in PvP (+15 % speed, force camouflage removing snares/slows, 3 sec snare with crippling throw).

Against good players you will be kited and I find it easier to stick on them as combat.


The +15 % runspeed helps a lot in many situations, for exampe carrying balls, moving from one node to another in alderaan or capping things in void star (usually you are in combat for a long time).


Additionally, combat also has better escape mechanics, if you have a slow and want to escape with force camouflage as watchman it's not a guaranteed escape, as combat you are much more likely to get away if you pop it together with transcendence. Or you could lock a marauder with crippling throw to get away.

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I've done all 3 lines what I noticed is I can actually dish out more damage as a Focus build IF they are clustered, but if they're not I found Watchman to be amazing, Combat seems very meh.


I might have been playing it wrong as Focus is very leap build singularity and sweep rinse and repeat for 4k aoe damage, Watchman is very in and out of combat going where you can quickly burn someone to death critting to heal etc. Combat just seems very hit hit hit run away.

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