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Marauder/sentinel pvp videos


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I know you will say go post on marauder forum but we all know that marauder = sentinel I promise u will not regret ur time watching it!

I know It 's a hell of a long post and some people not even bother to read it and I completely understand it but believe me u will not be disappointed. :)

This is my 3rd video


check out more of my videos at this chennel



You will find there not only marrauder videos but and sith Inq -sorc videos whcih playing my cousin and a lot of WOW videos if some1 interested

If you you like our content pls subscribe and like our videos ;)


I'm posting videos on SWTORvideos as well so check it out



Yeah I understand that this is not 50 lvl pvp and people will say who cares, but guess what some people wann know how marauder in pvp before lvl 50 and most players I'm fighting lvl 50s in general for all my videos

For this video I could not find 50's to duel but I'm dueling players higher lvl than me or my lvl.


I hit 50 couple days ago my next video if some1 interested will be about StarShip battles and my first attempt in it.


All my next video will be just concern 50 lvl marauder pvp and soon will come out cometary video about marauder class in general so keep in touch.


Post ur comments below all my videos I will greatly appreciate this.


And sry for my english not a first language ;)

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