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My seemingly main stats (shield, absorption and defense rate) are useless in PvP. Most importantly,Shield barely activates (and yet I'm spec'd shield as powertech??) for that matter unless i pop trinkets and everything else.


The failure of not being able to stack abilities, leaving you to smash your keyboard as much as possible.


PvP felt like a grind; oh wait it was, considering I managed to queue into huttball at-least 6 times in a row without any new warzone and be able to sit in Ilum and complete my dailies afk (oh wait its different now, I just have to be inside a raid group, then I can go afk and let them do all the "work" that is: camping the rebels).


Bioware's now obvious, complete reliance on 20 gigs of sound as their main feature to cast them apart from the rest of MMO's; and how they lied to us about how everything was going to be so much different from your "average" MMO.


Bioware's failure to add a guild system in the beginning of the game (considering they depended on guilds to even get their fan-base started, and they don't even add a guild bank)


And the breaking point: How BW could champion this new patch with a flashpoint as being so cool and fun (looking nothing like how it looks when your actually playing) while at the same time releasing a detrimental PvP patch despite warnings from the player testers.


You'd think that with over 200 million it has to be decent right? But, I think Bioware bent over for their marketers and the stockholders of EA when designing this game and that is part of the reason why it is in such a chaotic state.


But, you know what happens when you get your hopes up - especially for an EA funded project.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mM02295xo88&feature=g-logo&context=G2552cbcFOAAAAAAAAAA

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Let me get this straight: you are complaining that you can't stack absorbtion on a toon that wears heavy armor and is a ranged fighter that is already tougher to kill than any other class in the game (as far as amount of damage they can take, not skills)? Seriously.
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