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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Hotbar destroyed for me, now game unplayable


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i completely agree, the hotbar "fix" totally messed up how i play the game. In combat i have to think about many things especially which ability im going to use next, before the patch it was easier because i could see which abilities arent ready in my peripheral vision without losing concentration, now i have to phsically look at the used abilities to check to see if they are ready which breaks my concentration and could cost me the battle. PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK
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It's not a bug. It's an intended (STUPIDLY) design change. It's in the patch notes.


Also: It's unplayable for competitive gamers, like myself and the OP.

Anyone who thinks this is not a big deal is not someone who maximizes their gameplay. Simple as that.


or get a pair of glasses or something lol

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While I don't think it's entirely gamebreaking, I do agree that this change was unnecessary and annoying.


If I have enough resources to use an ability, and it's off it's CD, then light it up. If I can't use it for one reason or another, don't show it to me.


Trying to tank and use proper CDs with this new design is a lot more difficult than it needs to be, the old design was just fine.

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Because when an ability has a 1 minute cooldown it's hard to tell if it is up or 4 seconds away?


Worse with 3 minute CD abilities.


This. And I kept wondering what was going on. But I had to restore my daughter's computer and logged off thinking I just must be mis-remembering...


Only to see there is a patch to fix the patch.



I just hope they fix this moronic cooldown issue. I don't have time to mouse-over every icon to see if it's off cooldown or not... The UI is bad enough that it keeps essential information away from you by forcing your eyes off the battle... This just makes it even worse.

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They only and ONLY have to let us customize our UI. (Add-ons)


Problem fixed for everyone. You can't expect such large number of people to like one single UI. That is the problem. No matter how they change the UI some people will like it less.


We are forced to play with a default UI that closes hotbars in a warzone. Or chat log is always closing half of a button on leftside etc..

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Funny thing is, they surprised me. I wouldn't have believed they could actually take a step backwards from the current UI they saddled us with. Bioware found a way.


I know. It would be a bad UI for a single player game nevermind an MMO... And people complained, rightfully so I might add.


BioWare's solution: Ignore every advance in MMO UI design and make the UI even worse by borking the one decent feature it had...

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Because before all abilities were grey during the GCD and I had to either wait until the GCD finished to see if I could fire an ability that cost Rage or count how much Rage I had on my resource bar. Now if I have the Rage all the abilities that are available are illuminated even during the GCD so I know if I can queue them next. If I don't have the Rage they are darkened. It's an improvement for a class that has to build resource to spend it.


I don't have to wait for the GCD to end to see what ability I can use next.


I've played rage-based systems. Good ones have the icons stay gray until you have the rage necessary to use the skill.


In this game, beyond what I consider a major design flaw in 'rage tanks', you can program both systems to work in harmony instead of trashing one to do the other. Keep the GCD in the light blue to give you a sense of what's going on with that timer and everything for which you have enough rage/out of cooldown to trigger being blue or red or whatever the color is and those for which you don't, you don't and they're remaining gray.


Problem solved. They can use both systems. It's trivial for a good programer who has a clue about UI programming and design.


But, alas, poor Yorick! BioWare does not have any good programmers as far as I can tell. So it is unlikely we get a UI worth spit before most of us leave for greener pastures...


Fortunately, though, it hasn't been a total wipe. I finally found a good guild with people who like they're going to be in it for at least a few more months. Much better than the first guild I joined, where they quit en masse and all 24 of them went back to WoW in the third week leaving myself and three others...


So I'll get my money's worth over the next couple of months if I consider this "MMO" nothing more than a set of 8 bargin-bin BioWare games... Which is, frankly, where I buy their games anymore...

Edited by Blackfriar
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It is not that hard to see, sure i would like the change back, but to say the game is 100% unplayable because of it.. now ur just being a laydown larry..



Of course it's not 100% umplayable with it...


nor is the bug when joining a warzone that kicks you to logon screen


nor is the bug that disbands your group everytime you leave a warzone


nor is the login screen every few seconds/minutes depending on where you are


nor the cool down timer not showing mins/secs


nor any indication on screen showing you have a ability that has proc'd


nor the auction house having a place to search by name but only after having going through a myriad of options first


they are just little annoyances that should have been fixed/implemented (or have just come about since the patch) that should have been fixed/hotfixed immediately and not (as in some cases) still be present after weeks.

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