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A knock back..


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First of all i believe Sents are at a major disadvantage on huttball and even void star (kinda).


Huttball - How many times have you had to force leap at a target on any given ramp on this map and get knocked back down straight away and then to be rained on by a barrage of spells??


Void Star - How many times have you had to wait for you're target to walk across the bridges so you do not get schooled by one of the many knock back classes??


I believe sents/mara are in dire need of either force push or possibly a another defensive cooldown that makes you immune to knock back effects say 5-10 secs on a 1 min CD maybe ?


I know as i play focus once i am on a targets the only way to get me off is to cc / run or kill me, but with these maps its a joke i am constantly using force camo and running every time a range knocks me down to the ground so i don't get torn a new one.


As it is i believe sents are a very squishy class that would be nothing without our 2-3 get out of jail spells that i seem to be using off CD on these maps.


I'm just saying would be nice to have a spell of our own that made other classes think twice about fighting us on platforms / bridges .


Any way just my 2 cents on the idea - Peace & Love

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Learn to position yourself! At Voidstar, don't stand between the edge and the caster, at huttball try to get your back against a pillar or an uphill ramp, or when you get knocked down pop force camouflage and run away waiting for the leap cd.
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