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Tatooine Cantina Music...or lack there of


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OK, so we can have blasters and lightsabers identical to the ones used 3000 years in the future (IE: in the movies) but we cant possibly have a musical number that sticks around that long?


mmmm good point there was another thread about how technology didnt really change along with society in the SW universe... i agree with OP though the music isnt super great

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The music they do have is so charming, though!


It's awkward and new, and has all the evidence leading to new classics (oxymoron, yes, but we're talking about a galaxy that advances the further back you go in its history).


Before this game, how else could we hold formal tango to the folksong/jazz tunes of Shapakeesay, Doeazalusootmian, or Kayfoundo Naweea? The non-vocalized tunes seem to be mostly the same, but these songs make me happy.

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