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lol, My 1.1 Experiance Thus Far


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never had any of these problems nor did my friend running this on a 8800. get a better computer or format it. and to those posting good gpu's and cpu's and still QQing. update your drivers, format your nasty virus infected computer you got for looking at pedo ****, or you are a liar. Edited by ThePersianGamer
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Not only have they torpedo'd swtor with this patch, they then decide to depth charge any hope of salvaging the situation by closing threads.







Reid insulting customers on twitter

Reid saying perfomance issues are users fault

Massively buggy game (ability delay etc)

The "high ress graphics" ********

Now: PATCH 1.1 Voyage of the TORtanic.


Right before people have to sub or not and you release this ****?


You are insulted because someone expressed an opinion you didn't agree with?


BOO Freaking HOO kid.


Also funny how no one else is having these problems. Scared all your raiding buds are leaving wow huh?

Edited by TheHeadCapper
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I said I don't have a super stealth bomber system. However it's not terrible either and all of my drivers are up to date. Post launch I was only experiencing a CTD every now and then, no big deal. With this patch my game keeps going back to the loading splash screen and in 2 hours of game play I've experienced 15+ CTDs.


Doesn't logic dictate that if I wasn't CTD'ing, changed nothing in regards to my hardware/drivers, game patch is released and my CTDs go up by over 9000%, it's the game not my computer?

H2O Cooled I7-920 at 4.2ghz, 6 gigs of ram and a 5850 running at stock.


Is this the ESL forum? Read much?

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