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How to kill an MMO


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The devs on this game just seem beyond retarded. Do they not realise that even if they fix their turret bug the change they made to the daily is going to make Illum not even worth going to since the faction with less people will lose interest and no one is giong to wait around all day for 30 kills.


50 million bugs at release, they delay their first patch and then release it late iwth massive game breaking bugs.


If their isn't a roll back this game will become a big joke.

Edited by Randy_Marsh
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What's the name of that ex head developer at SWG whose last name begins with T. I can't remember his last name. He was pretty sharp. They need to hire him - like yesterday. He has got the brains for following changes to their ultimate conclusion. They obviously don't have an A team in place.
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