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I love my Marauder...but...


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Do not get me wrong I really do love my Marauder it is a fun class that takes actual skill to make work no "herp i pres dis buttun ova en ova ands i gotz moar DEEEPSSSS!!". But there are some flaws that really need to be addressed... skills not activating, no survivability outside annihilation and lets face it. The LOWEST dps among dps classes, which is a shame since we can ONLY dps.


Now dont come back at me with "herp l2p noooob! i gots lots dmg in WZ!!!" warzones are completely different than pve the damage does not scale the same way. Where a marauder does well in pvp and an arsenal BH does poorly. Switch it around and the Arsenal BH does AMAZING damage in pve and marauders just kinda....well dont even compare.


If you think about it it doesnt make a lot of sense, we are the only "true" dps class empire side yet we can not put out the numbers other classes can when the other classes have more utility i.e can heal or offtank. I think it is something that seriously needs to be addressed. Flaming and trolling will be ignored so save your ******** for someone who will aknowledge you.

Edited by Lothahr
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First of all, it's pretty tough for you to make a statement like that considering there are no combat logs. So I'm going to guess that you're making the assumption that Marauders are less ideal in PvE based on some groups you've been in. Let's step back a second and realize that your personal experiences do not suffice to make demands on future Marauder buffs.


BioWare has a lot of data / metrics about how well each class does and whether certain advanced classes need adjustments over time. Also keep in mind that just because we are "only dps" doesn't mean that we will ever do more damage than other classes. BioWare has stated numerous times that all AC choices will be fairly balanced around being able to damage, heal, or tank equally well as the others. (Edit: I know you weren't suggesting we SHOULD do more damage, but some people seem to think that we should).


Anyway, I didn't mean this reply to sound rude, but I think too many people are suggesting that their personal opinions about various aspects of the game need to be addressed, without having much to back their opinions up...

Edited by Noobinator
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Honestly there are only a few issues with Marauder. As a whole, it's a completely viable class and it can remain competitive with all other classes. It's especially strong in 1v1. With that said though, the only real issues I think you could even raise with this class are (IMO):


1. Ability delay and abilities outright failing to activate hurts us more than most classes.

2. Lack of CC. A pull, or even Force Push, would be a really nice addition to the class.

3. Lack of a 30m lightsaber throw ability, while Juggernauts get one at that range, increases our susceptibility to being kited

4. Somewhat weak defensive cooldowns. Either too short duration or too high of a cooldown. That means our survivability, in general, is a bit sub-par even when compared to other melee classes.


Of those issues, if you were to only fix #1 it would make the class a lot better. That's not even fixing the class, just the game. We would probably be a bit OP if you added CC honestly though. I would like to see a shorter cooldown on Saber Ward though, and either a longer duration or shorter cooldown on Undying Rage.

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