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Heavy Armor


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Title says it. I hear we had it in beta, not sure, but either way, seems like we should.


The idea of wearing Medium makes some sense, we're not quite the tank that the Juggernaut is, and both SI use light, so it seems some sith should use medium.


But there just isn't enough medium armor in the game. And what there is, looks awful and isn't really appropriate to the Marauder. We get mostly robocop and Darth Vader outfits, where the Robe look that seems iconic to a Marauder is Heavy Armor, so only Juggernauts can wear it. The Sith Warrior progression video showed this, it seemed to say both SW would have access to this look. If ANYTHING, robes should be medium only, and the darth vader armor with a cape should be heavy only, THE OTHER WAY AROUND.


We're also just a little squishy. I get that we're glass cannons, I'm cool with that. But we're melee! We do about the same DPS as ranged DPS, (especially Sniper) and yet it takes us much longer to start doing DPS because we have to get in melee range, we can be knocked back, etc.

In PvE, we're more vulnerable to AoE damage than ranged DPS. This is an issue. It'd be okay if we out-damaged them, but we don't.


The way to make improvements while changing the fewest things possible is simply to give Marauders access to Heavy armor. We'll get a slight boost to armor, some extra mitigation, but we still won't be able to tank. We don't have guard or taunt, and we don't have all the talents that Juggs can spec into for damage reduction. But it'll help our survivability a good bit, in both PvE and PvP.


Also, then we can wear a lot more armor, including armor that looks like it should be appropriate for our class, which is otherwise denied to us.




So: Simple request. Let Marauders wear Heavy Armor.




Alternatively, they can try to balance the stats a little different, and try to add more medium armor to the game for us. But that would be more work. This seems like a quick and easy fix, with no changes to balance. Wouldn't effect other classes at all. :)

Edited by miliways
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Some people are saying we had Heavy in beta, others are saying we didn't. Not sure.


People do seem to say that the look of our armor got switched with the look of heavy juggernaut armor in beta.


Either way, I don't understand this and I don't like it.


Robes = Marauder

Armor = Juggernaut


Thats how it should be. Juggernauts should get robes too, but seriously if either should have them, it should be marauders!

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