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[Veela - Imperial] Now forming a global LFG channel!


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Synopsis – Several players on Veela Imperial have created a custom in-game chat channel to allow players to find groups even when they’re not on the Imperial fleet. /cjoin GLFG.




With the lack of an in-game LFF (Looking For Flashpoint) finder, there are currently three primary ways to find a group for Flashpoints.


1. Stand in the Imperial Fleet and spam General chat over and over again.

2. Ask your fellow guild members

3. Ask people on your friends list


Option 1 gives you access to the widest range of people, but your requests for a tank/healer/DPS might get lost in the colorful cacophony of chat that is the Imperial Fleet. Plus, the time you spend on the Fleet could be instead be time spend doing other activities, like World PvP, crafting on an alt, or leveling a new character.


Options 2 and 3 narrow your pool considerably, but allow you to look for groups while continuing to play and explore “The Old Republic,” but with the pool of potential players being much more shallow, it makes it more difficult to possibly recruit every player role you’ll need for your instance of choice.


As an added concern, if you find yourself engaged in World PvP on Hoth, you might find yourself outnumbered, camped, or maybe stumbling upon a group of opposing players setting up to pull a World Boss. If you want to disrupt them, or fight back, or just quest in peace, finding backup is limited to your guild channel and the local planet’s General chat. Depending on the time of day, or the level of the planet, once again, that pool of players might be much smaller than is considered optimal.


In an effort to get around this problem of location vs. available population, several of Veela’s Imperial players have come together to form a custom chat channel, available for use from any Imperial location on Veela, that will allow a player looking to group for Mandalorian Raiders to quest on Balmorra or Tattooine at the same time. A player leveling an Imperial Agent to experience their story can see an Operations raid forming that highly desires a healer, in this case their main character, a Sith Sorcerer. A player getting their tuchus handed to them repeatedly on Quesh can know that backup is only a few keystrokes and five-to-ten minutes of flight time away.


We call it Galactic Looking For Chat, or GLFG for short.


An idea borrowed from “Lord of the Rings Online,” GLFG is a moderated chat channel where people can join up and look for groups from the comfort of ANYWHERE in the galaxy. RP’ing on Nar Shadda? You can find a group doing an Heroic on Taris. Doing your Ilum dailies? You can see if someone need a tank for the False Emperor. Looking for a premade PvP group who happens to be looking for a healer? Well, all you have to do is switch from your Bounty Hunter on Dormund Kaas.


Right now, the channel is small, but it is growing, as individual players and smaller guilds are joining as they discover the benefits of the group. Is it a perfect solution? Of course not. Right now, the numbers of players in GLFG is small, and some people prefer to spam General Chat on the Imperial Fleet and not deal with the hassle. And, of course, you get your trolls. But, as I said before, the channel is moderated, and so far, has been self-policing. Several players have already been muted, but for the most part, the channel is only used for actual group finding.


With the lack of a server forum AND an LFF finder, GLFG is the best way to not only find a group, but to help build Veela’s Imperial community, in a small effort to put the “MM” in “MMO.” “The Old Republic” is growing, and this is a great chance to make Veela Imperial someplace people actually want to come play on, because they know if they choose to interact with other players, they can do so from anywhere in the galaxy.


/cjoin GLFG


Do it today! And tell your friends and guildies!

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The same can be found on Republic side on Veela,


/cjoin ULFG


I recommend changing the default color of the channel, as it defaults to Yellow(same as system info like gaining credits, NPC talking, stuff like that). With it as Yellow it can be easy to miss things, so change the color.


To change the color, right click on the General Tab at the top of your chat window, there will be a options selection at the bottom. Then at the bottom of the chat channel list will be your custom public channels. Click on the Yellow box next to ULFG and change it to whatever you like!


Enjoy being able to look for Flashpoints while on any planet!

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