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I'll be blunt:


Why can an average person, from a begger to a General to a President have a family..... or even have emotions (and not be a damn robot).


But if I have the Force then I am either a:


Emotionally suppressed drone




A Emotional roller coaster, where the tram quite frequently flys off the tracks (usually into someone's face).


If the Force was the only determining factor, then that is kinda weak. If I cant force kill you, i'll just shoot you in the face with a blaster.

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It's not that,, both the Jedi and Sith are fundamentally flawed in their thinking for the moment.


Jedi believe practically all emotion will lead to the Dark side; this is true if you allow your emotions to rule you completely. Really, if you're an emotionally stable person who can keep control of yourself instead of flying off the handle and punching someone in the face for saying your shirt's on backwards you'll be fine.


Sith believe that emotion should rule them and true power comes from emotion. It's revealed that this is true to an extent. But it truly ends at the same point as the Jedi do. You experience the emotion, master it and learn to control it to give yourself true power and harmony.


So realistically, you can be an emotionally stable Sith or a Jedi who can experience love and joy, etc. as long as you never let them rule you completely.

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It's not that,, both the Jedi and Sith are fundamentally flawed in their thinking for the moment.


Jedi believe practically all emotion will lead to the Dark side; this is true if you allow your emotions to rule you completely. Really, if you're an emotionally stable person who can keep control of yourself instead of flying off the handle and punching someone in the face for saying your shirt's on backwards you'll be fine.


Sith believe that emotion should rule them and true power comes from emotion. It's revealed that this is true to an extent. But it truly ends at the same point as the Jedi do. You experience the emotion, master it and learn to control it to give yourself true power and harmony.


So realistically, you can be an emotionally stable Sith or a Jedi who can experience love and joy, etc. as long as you never let them rule you completely.




So the whole premise is Self-Control, so then why does my Jedi Knight get Dark Points from having a relationship. Is this the Dev's Ideology or the Original Lucas Ideology?

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