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Companion Convo


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Everytime it tells me my companion wants to talk to me, either in private or aboard my ship. The icon that says that only stays there for a second. Then doesn't pop back up until I'm nowhere near a Cantina or ship. I think they should make it so that it stays up all the time until you actually do talk to them. It's getting pretty frustrating just sitting around waiting for them to talk to them. And even when i am ready for it it goes away before i even get a chance.
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If you see the "talk" indicator but they don't talk when you are in the appropriate place, that is a bug that will hopefully be fixed soon. If you see the indicator you can double check whether it is a false positive or not by talking with your companion and seeing if they say something like, "I need to talk with you when we get a moment." Those conversation indicators are not affected by the bug.
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