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Annihilation the best all-round specc?


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While it can be discussed back and forth which specc is the best for a single purpose, from what ive seen it seems that so far Rage has been deemed best for pvp, while Carnage pulls even with annihilation for pve and eventually pull ahead in late pve while being about the worst in pvp.


Now, basically, In pve it's been listed as competitive, and also competitive in pvp thanks in part to selfheal, and apparently best solo specc.


Would it be very incorrect to assume that by virtue of being good at everything, great at nothing, from pure impression of the talks we have had lately in here, that Annihilation is simply the best specialization for marauders that don't focus on one area of the game over the others?

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While it can be discussed back and forth which specc is the best for a single purpose, from what ive seen it seems that so far Rage has been deemed best for pvp, while Carnage pulls even with annihilation for pve and eventually pull ahead in late pve while being about the worst in pvp.


Now, basically, In pve it's been listed as competitive, and also competitive in pvp thanks in part to selfheal, and apparently best solo specc.


Would it be very incorrect to assume that by virtue of being good at everything, great at nothing, from pure impression of the talks we have had lately in here, that Annihilation is simply the best specialization for marauders that don't focus on one area of the game over the others?


That would be wrong, yes. I'm nowhere near ready to agree Rage is the best PvP spec, as in very high tier play it's incredible predictability makes it easy to counter. It just happens to have a high reward for a low skill floor. With that being said, I can knock off half their damage output by using force camo just as the obvious smash follow-up to force choke is about to hit (I'm specced for 100% damage reduction), meaning I will cream that marauder in the continuing 1v1.


Too soon to make judgments of spec quality, much too soon. For now divide them amongst their various purposes all you will (rage clearly for aoe, for instance), but don't try to make definite balances which are absolutely not yet definite. Carnage may well end up dominating tier 3 vs tier 3 pvp, there's no way to be certain.

Edited by ThisGuyThat
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