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Can a Dev respond? Sentinel lackluster or just fine?


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I would like to start off saying I love the jedi sentinel playstyle. It is a very fun, faced paced class to play.


The Jedi Sentinel is a blast to play... when we have good teamates. If we have no one that can take damage for us. That can heal us. We can't do anything.


I understand we are Melee DPS only class but in that sense we should absolutely shine when it comes to damage output or even have the ability to do so.


I have much to say about this class including our limited CC and CC break but everyone knows they should be a tad bit better.


My real question to the developers: Is the Jedi Sentinel performing the way you planned it too in a PvP sense? Its very discouraging to see my best attempts thwarted by someone who topped the charts in dmg and healing. If this is all the Jedi Sentinel has to offer I will sadly have to switch classes so I can perform optimally in pvp.

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Georg has pretty much confirmed that they think its OK (but there are lots of buttons to press).

He addressed Jedi Knight concerns by acknowledging a few issues with Guardians, but no Sentinel changes are coming.

Edited by MEHColeman
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They fix ability delay and I'll be okay for now. I don't think we need any sweeping changes.


In the future, I want a pull or a push though. It's stupid that we're the only Advanced class without access to one or another and outside of having a ridiculous number of buttons to push, I don't think we're exactly given much compensation for it.

Edited by Paralassa
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