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Wondering about the best hybrid pvp class for sage (PVP Serious reply's only)


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Hi guys,


I currently have a level 40 Sage solemnly built at the telekinetic tree. I find him decent in pvp.


Usually in warzones I roughly estimate between 150-175k damage. This to me is not enough, as I have seen many sorcerers and sages finish the matches with between 225k-275k of damage.


I have noticed a couple articles on putting the skill points with balance/telekinetic and a little in healing. Is this the best hybrid class for pvp?


I also watched a guy named factions60 owning in pvp warzone on alderean


what build is he? It seems he hardly struggles with his sage pvp build


Link below on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1O0y73chUw


Thanks guys I look forward to hearing from you,



Edited by Talron
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He's Balance. Check the Sage guide sticked in the forums; there is a solid starter build for Balance PvP that you can tweak to your liking. Balance is not bursty, but very mobile with great CC, and lots of damage through instants (many DOTs). It's a fun build.
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Would you say balance has the edge over telekinetic dps sage? I wanted to do a comparison in builds by finishing up my dps telekinetic sage than revamping the skill points to the hybrid balance sage to see which produces more damage and is better in pvp. Have you done this at all yet or has anyone?




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I've only played Balance so far and I'm loving it :). Although I'm only level 16, when I was level 14 I was in the top 1/3 tier damage dealer in warzones (thanks to bolster mechanic ;) ).


I haven't played TK tree so I can't say but I generally don't like long cast times, so Project + TK Throw are what I use typically at my level at least.


EDIT: I also read that TK momentum is currently 'broken' so I think a lot of Sages are going Balance at the moment.

Edited by Shiroie
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I like that hybrid build; must be a blast on Voidstar. AOE bomb classes can also be good zerg busters in open world. (Dual Bright Wizard-Engineer combo 6-mans in Warhammer anybody?) I definitely plan to try it when I get bored with Balance.
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I have gone from TK to Balance to being satisfied with Hybrid. It really matters on your playstyle. With TK I got tired of how long it took to cast spells. That's why I went to Balance because it has more instant casting. However, I then realized that the 2 top tier skills for TK and Balance are underpowered. Why not use those points elsewhere. After doing research I realized that is why the Hybrid was made. I've enjoyed it since. You will want to read more into this class and what priority skills should be in situations. Do your research here and on the Sorcerer forums. You will get more info there. Just translate the skills on what they are mirrored from. I'm usually the top 2 in damage for WZ and have hit 350k damage with just relics. I'm sure that could be much better if I had the Biochem crew skill to stack buffs although not sure how great it will be after the next patch as it will be nerfed.
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Just to follow up however, if you enjoy PVP; I would suggest against Sage...


  • Play an assassin class such as Shadow or Scoundrel.
  • Or a tanky DPS like a Guardian or Vanguard.


Just a thought; I do a ton of damage, but once I get a worthwhile other class on me 1v1 I get destroyed.


And another thought; play Imperial if you wanna seriously PVP. There are FAR more bloodlusty people Imperial side.

Edited by VonSoot
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