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IA vs BH story/companions


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I levelled my IA to 46, he'll be lvl 50 soon, and my BH is almost lvl 40.


One thing iv noticed is iv 'clicked' with my BH, the story, the companions, everything is AWSOME, i like how my whole gang is like a rag tag crew of pirates.(havent even gotten to last companion yet)


but some how on my IA it feels like bioware just sorta threw the story/companions together at the end and call it quits. You get 2 crazy chicks(Scorpio and kaliyo) and the story doesnt feel right, theres no immersion with the companions and story.


On my BH I feel like im part of a family.


What gives? Anyone else feel same about IA story/companions?


I played JK earlier and had a blast, T7 is HILARIOUS!


On my BH the companions really come to LIFE, mako is sweet, Gault is really funny, blizz is adorable, torian is an honorable mandalorian guy, who your looking after and watching over as a friend/father figure, theres real depth and life to the story/companions. Whenever theres a situation that comes up and needs your attention, you call your whole crew toghether and discuss it, hear everyones input it seems so awsome, using your ships intercom, it seems almost every new planet you get to.(This never happens on IA)

Also even though the IA ship looks really cool from the outside its rather dull on the inside.

the bucket of bolts BH ride in looks way better on the inside, the lighting and the feel of the ship looks awsome. not to mention we have a holding cell!! :D




IA in comparison feels really sloppy

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That's interesting. I just got my IA to 50 and completed the story yesterday. I haven't played any other class very far yet to compare.


I think it's the nature of the character -- the IA is a very internalized character. Because he leads this secret agent life, he's not really a team builder type of guy.

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Alright I have a 50 IA and in my opinion it's not about building a gang more of building an intelligence empire. Think about the crew you have working for you and their talents. Also the alliances you could have depending on decsions you made. I'm hoping for a bourne style ACT 2 personally.


I also loved the story line when getting the fembot, was very ocean 11.

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You know, I kind of have this issue on my Smuggler. I've noticed that, as far as companions go, I haven't really clicked with any of them. I hate Corso, Bowdarr is nice, but I miss a lot of his quips 'cause I keep system notifications off. The only one I really get along with is Risha 'cause we have similar goals. The others just seem thrown in there.


Honestly, I feel more of a connection with some of the NPCs that I've run across, simply 'cause I feel like I'm starting this big, old, underworld empire filled with tons of contacts and shady characters that I have a blast with. The companions are...just sort of there.


Except for Risha. I totally have a girl crush on her.

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