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Extra £5 Charge


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Big question - what was the extra £5 charge on top of the game- something for early access I read on the email from Origin where I put brought the game


They also charged me in FULL - the full £45 has gone out my account (£40 for the game- £5 for early access thing)


I feel conned here a bit for PAYING for something I am not going to get.


I think a reverse chargeback is in order tomorrow- will get that money back and mayeb buy the game next week.


I know its only £5 but still its the principal of it- I don't rob them so I don't expect them to rob me like this!

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Yeah I think you did get conned. I've put up £5 for preorder and code. That will then be taken off the games full price when its released.


Oh I bought through Gamestation though and not Origin.

Edited by Ragnab
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