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Stick to Tuesday's please


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As tuesday is supposed to be maintenance day I make sure I have a different day off during the week. I work saturday and sunday, and maintenance occurs between 8am and 4pm where I live.

Last week it was delayed, this week it was delayed, both times rescheduled for my day off. Is it not too much to ask that if bioware have a set downtime day they stick to it? Or am I just being a wingebag cos I haven't been able to play on my day off cos bioware aren't following their own set days?

I know that with patches there is a possibility it may need more attention, and I'm fine with that, but why can't they do this patch next Tuesday, a scheduled maintenance day? I do hope they will consider sticking to set days in future.

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Seriously...you take a day off to play SWTOR?


Next episode on Intervention...


Considering how many people are completely jobless to play MMOs all day, I don't think it's that crazy to think that if someone gets one day off a week, they might want the servers to be up for that.

Edited by tekknikal
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Tuesdays are the maintenance day and they're sticking to that schedule. But, if a patch has an issue and needs to be delayed a couple days, I'd much rather they release it as soon as it's ready rather than delay it to the next Tuesday. I don't want to have to wait for content/bug fixes because it inconveniences a few people.


No matter when they do maintenance, somebody somewhere is going to be inconvenienced. Sucks if you're one of those, but they can't accomodate a single individual's schedule. Sorry.

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