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Do light/dark points influence the story?


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What I mean is, as you gain a large majority of either light or dark points, does it effect more than just what weapon you can weild or your sith's appearance? Will thesed points tend to influence your character's storyline? Will NPC's start reacting to you differently? Will you be offered different quests? Or am I hoping for too much? Someone told me that, depending on your light/dark affiliation, you will have an option to join the other side. I haven't been able to confirm this, and people I've asked said they didn't know.
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Yes. For example...




In the Sith Warrior story, a ghostly "reflection" will appear to you on Tatooine. It will represent your character's latent side - if you are Dark side your character's Light side reflection will appear.


Also, your choices in Act 1 affect the personality of Jaesa Wilsaam (SW companion).


Another example is at the end of the Dark-side Jedi Knight story. If you are dark-aligned then Satele Shan does not grant you the rank of Master (However, you are granted the rank of honorary General or something to that effect? I am unsure if you actually still recieve the Master title to display, though). She will mention a "Darkness" within your character.




So, force-alignment does have a minor impact on your story. And at NO point can you swap factions. This may be added at some point, but it is unlikely.

Edited by Wegabe_Awock
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