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Hotbar Buttons dissapearing...


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ok so i added the bottom center hotbar to my screen, and i put in it the Crew Skills that i've chosen, and every once in a while ( i don't exactly notice when ) they end up disappearing and i have to put them back on the bar, and ive done this like 4 times now... anyone have any idea what will fix this so they DON'T disappear!!


thanks guys

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i dont use the default N or companion window because it requires more than just the 1 click to get to where i wanna go... cuz then i gotta open the crew management page, then select the skill, then select what i want them to do... instead of just opening the skill with a hotbar press, and tellin em where to go!
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I have the same issue with relics I placed on bottom hotbar. Once in a while they disappear. Haven't figured out what exactly triggers it, but it happens every couple hours.


And yes, bar is locked


I have found that when I gain a new ability that auto adds to the hotbar, any relics are removed from the hotbar.

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Look on the left side of the bottom toolbar, you will see a tiny padlock.

1-click on that little lock, and it will keep all the icons on all the toolbars.

If you want to re-arrange the icons, add to them etc. 1-click and they will

be movable, again...


Hope this helps. :)

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