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Your choice for Sentinel PvP spec


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There are so many opinions for proper Sentinel PvP tree as many people. Would be interesting to know what have people, that tried all 3 trees, chosen for them selves as the best Sentinel PvP spec.

For my self it is either Focus or Watchman. I have not tested watchman enough to make a final conclusion, but both trees look pretty good. Combat was not for me good enough, despite lots of people are enjoying playing in combat.

Please share your thoughts.

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I leveled as combat and geared most of my champion set as combat. I played all 3 tree's now and here is what I have decided.




I can see the big draw to this for leveling with the rolling dps as well as raiding for a lot of moving fights. Same goes for PvP. Lot of movement low on gear but you need that valor. Get as much dots rolling as possible. Your a lowbie getting hit by people smash you but your dots are applied so your still doing something.


I can see the appeal for Watchman because it is good in pvp and pve.




This still is my favorite tree. I might be bias because I leveled as it and had my rotation down to a key and felt I control the fight 100% of the time against any mob or any class. I love the Force Camouflage talent.


I am disappointed with this spec in PvE. You can be in the exact same gear and do all the debuffs - Precision Slash, Blade Rush, and etc and still hit for the same crits on a level one as you would a higher up boss.




I have been this spec for about 2 weeks now. I finally feel I mastered it and feel very comfortable with it. The tree imo should of been called CENTER. I am very focus hungery with this tree at times in pvp. But my centering is great. I can keep transendence up constantly or have it up with inspiration the majority of the time. My pvp crew love it. Also large numbers with this tree. Second Wind Talent is awesome but I miss Force Camouflage talent from combat.


Hitting so many people at points, doors, or flag carriers protectors for 4k+ Putting healers in a stuper because most are not calm when this happens. Force Statis is a great skill and I use it constantly to get those big Force Sweep numbers. Force Exhaustion is ok to for adding another dot to a target. You can roll Cauterize, Force Exhaustion, and Force Statis on a target which does do pretty nice damage keeping healers very worried about themselves.


I been this build for a while and perfer it for PvP but not Pve. Since I do not pve much its no worries. Unless SWTOR because like WoW and I have to get the best PvE weapons and relics to stay competitive. Then this will upset me.


As of right now I am going to stay Focus. I still have not gotten my Champion or BM MH yet. So until then I am staying Focus. Once I get it I might try all 3 again to see if I stay Focus.


Hope this help.


Master Yogi

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Watchmen allways looked like a tunnel class tbh.. Focus on one target plant your seeds and pop zen, i havent played it much but i have a hard time target switching when needed when its much easyer as combat and focus.


Focus has load of aoe dmg as burst and can keep healers comfused of whos being targetd as you slash spam. Combat burns quick and has great blade strom burst to help finish og get a strong opener.


this is just out of my experience.


My choice in the end of the day? Might end up as combat as i now feel ok with it, i did play focus from 10-50 but combat is golden in pvp as every other specc, its just about how you play your class ;) (and i allso rolled combat for pve issues.. focus isnt strong there)

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