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Force choke and ravage


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Please take off the self-cc on these abilities. They feel like they were designed for another species. 50% of my problems with this class would be cleared up by taking the cast bar off of force choke all together so that it is an instant cast and lets me do other things while the person is cc'ed. The other 50% of my problems with this class would be cleared up by letting me move while ravage is active. I don't care if it's channeled but I am a MELEE character. I shouldn't have to ask my enemy nicely to stay in range while I cc myself.


Also this is not uncommon: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbFgyeRFbdo&context=C3d50270ADOEgsToPDskJYu1y-3uG_uWyCstMK7nMz


Please fix. Thanks.

Edited by Kronus
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