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Level 40 watchman. Got Merciless Slash...now what?


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I was pretty excited to finally get Merciless Slash. Then I realized due to the high focus cost, it will completely change my skill rotation. My previous rotation was


Leap -> OS -> Zealous -> Cauterize -> Slash -> (Cauterize if up Strike-> Slash if not)


Sometimes when Zealous is almost of CD, I'll throw in a Leg Slash-> Opportune Strike for fun.


Obviously I want to get Cauterize on as soon as possible so should i replace my first Slash with a Strike -> Merc Slash and continue as normal? Something like this:


Leap -> OS -> Zealous -> Cauterize -> Strike -> Merc Slash -> (Cauterize if up Strike-> Slash if not)


Another question I have is, should I try to keep my focus at 5 at all times to make sure I have the focus for Merc Slash? With my current rotation, after a second Strike->Slash combo, my Zealous is almost back off CD. I feel like with an ability requiring 5 focus, my rotation will feel more like a Focus building rotation instead of a damage dealing rotation.


I have only played like 5 minutes since acquiring Merc Slash so I have very little idea of how all this would work. Just speculation at this point

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MercSlash has a better chance of refreshing your Cauterize CD, so, focus permitting, you should use it before Slash. Additionally, you want to get that cooldown running as soon as possible if your end goal is sustained DPS.


It will definitely take some getting used to, if for no other reason than it's self-adjusting cooldown. It's important that you hit that first re-application, as the second becomes much more manageable, allowing a bit of room for error in the focus department. I would not recommend trying to juggle 5 focus at all times, though. In time, you will just know it in your bones when to grind out a little more focus for an upcoming MercSlash.

Edited by Fascion
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