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The good and the bad.


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Ok i am rank 35 valor and have 268 expertise with full 50+ mods / enhancments. Focus spec. 14.5k hp.


The good.... now that i have geared up the class is pretty fun to play. Doing dailies and flashpoints are fun with the amount of damage i can put out. Warzones are pretty fun to play as well esp if i have a healer i can really do damage.


The bad..... if an operative or a powertech catch me with out a trinket i die in their opener. I find it competely that a class can press 4 buttons and kill me with out me being able to do anything. That mostly applies to the operative. And if by some crazy chance they dont kill me before i come out of my stun , i am so low on hp that i cannot get away.


So this needs to be addressed soon or i will be going back to wow or bf3. There is no excuse for me at this point in the game to get killed in 5 seconds in a 1 v 1.

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Apperently no one else is will to discuss the fact that we get molested by operatives...


Without our cooldowns, we're the squishiest class in the game. I have to blow every CD to beat a skilled BH, and I still might lose, badly. BH is like my kryptonite. I don't expect to roll over everyone though. Operatives just annoy me, but the ones I encounter haven't been killing me, just spamming heals on their team and running around.


We have some of the best defensive skills, they're just very....temporal.

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I think you are over exaggerating.


I am lvl 50 rank 32, with 14k hp, and no class is a problem for me, even healers aren't a huge issue 1v1.


In the situation you are speaking of I would pop resolve, then pop force camo. You are doing 2 things here. You are forcing them to drop your target and chance are they will target someone else, and you are making yourself gain the upper hand.


Once you use force camo run up behind them and master strike. The first 2 hits of master strike is usually all you will be able to get off, but thats about 2400 points worth of damage, and another 2k+ if you finish the cast, but most the time they end up knocking me back. Once this happens follow up with force leg, then leg slash, if they are a heal saber throw to get the healing debuff on them.


I am combat, so when I force leap back in I follow up with zealous strike ( to give me self enough focus for the KO combo ).


Now I am combat despite what the baddies say on here, i feel it is the top dps in the game atm. If you stack crit and surge, you will rock the heck out of everything. You will white hit for 2500+ and you will blade storm for close to 4k on a low hit and 4k+ on a high hit.


Anyhow after zealous strike you should pop the armor pen buff ( i forget the ability name ) followed by the ability that give you an extra chance to proc atura form. Then you follow up with blade storm.


By then the person should be dead if not then use what comes off cool down first.


If its one of those fights you might die, wait til 10% health and pop the cool down the takes half your life but makes you immune ( pretty much ) to all damage for 5 secs. Once you pop this ability pop a stiim and BAM you are back up to 20% ish.


If you don't have your target dead by now then there is something you are doing wrong.


Also as I said im combat when I use force camo it removes all roots, snares etc.


The only thing I have any issue with is the cc in this game. But, even that is not game breaking

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I think you are over exaggerating.


I am lvl 50 rank 32, with 14k hp, and no class is a problem for me, even healers aren't a huge issue 1v1.


In the situation you are speaking of I would pop resolve, then pop force camo. You are doing 2 things here. You are forcing them to drop your target and chance are they will target someone else, and you are making yourself gain the upper hand.


Once you use force camo run up behind them and master strike. The first 2 hits of master strike is usually all you will be able to get off, but thats about 2400 points worth of damage, and another 2k+ if you finish the cast, but most the time they end up knocking me back. Once this happens follow up with force leg, then leg slash, if they are a heal saber throw to get the healing debuff on them.


I am combat, so when I force leap back in I follow up with zealous strike ( to give me self enough focus for the KO combo ).


Now I am combat despite what the baddies say on here, i feel it is the top dps in the game atm. If you stack crit and surge, you will rock the heck out of everything. You will white hit for 2500+ and you will blade storm for close to 4k on a low hit and 4k+ on a high hit.


Anyhow after zealous strike you should pop the armor pen buff ( i forget the ability name ) followed by the ability that give you an extra chance to proc atura form. Then you follow up with blade storm.


By then the person should be dead if not then use what comes off cool down first.


If its one of those fights you might die, wait til 10% health and pop the cool down the takes half your life but makes you immune ( pretty much ) to all damage for 5 secs. Once you pop this ability pop a stiim and BAM you are back up to 20% ish.


If you don't have your target dead by now then there is something you are doing wrong.


Also as I said im combat when I use force camo it removes all roots, snares etc.


The only thing I have any issue with is the cc in this game. But, even that is not game breaking

rank 32, but claiming 2500+ white crits, and 4k+ bladestorm. Where is your damage coming from? Im rank 43, champ weapons, mix of champ/cent everything else(mostly champ.) and I white crit for 2000 tops, and the only 4k bladestorm I have ever seen was with +565 power adrenal up. and with prec strike of course for both.

15k hp, 450 expertise


You must not have any well geared assassins, ops on your server. Even when popping trinket right away, you come out at best 3k hp. Guarded by the force+rakata puts you at 5-6k hp. in 1 shot range when you come out. Camo is a 50/50 shot of working in that situation, as hits may still land and knock you right out, or allied aoe/dots.

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rank 32, but claiming 2500+ white crits, and 4k+ bladestorm. Where is your damage coming from? Im rank 43, champ weapons, mix of champ/cent everything else(mostly champ.) and I white crit for 2000 tops, and the only 4k bladestorm I have ever seen was with +565 power adrenal up. and with prec strike of course for both.

15k hp, 450 expertise


You must not have any well geared assassins, ops on your server. Even when popping trinket right away, you come out at best 3k hp. Guarded by the force+rakata puts you at 5-6k hp. in 1 shot range when you come out. Camo is a 50/50 shot of working in that situation, as hits may still land and knock you right out, or allied aoe/dots.


I have at least 3 geared 500 expertise ops on my server and i am saying if i dont have resolve i die in a stun. If i have resolve i die 4 seconds later.


And other dude that says pop resolve then camo..... if i use camo they will vanish. And their stealth does not expire after 4 seconds so they reopen on me with same rotation and i die anyways.

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In the situation you are speaking of I would pop resolve, then pop force camo. You are doing 2 things here. You are forcing them to drop your target and chance are they will target someone else, and you are making yourself gain the upper hand.



You force camo then they stealth.


Their stealth lasts longer than 4 seconds.


They open up their rotation on you again.


Congradulations you've bought yourself 4 seconds. Either you're getting healed by your pocket healer or luckily have an attentive healer nearby who catches this, or you've gotten a chance to reminisce about how unlucky you were that the guy wrecking your low survivability (I'm sorry I count a 4 second reprieve as short/low, let's call it semantics) class wasn't terrible.


Either way you're not really gaining much of an upper hand.


The only time I really enjoy my Sent is 1v1 or with a Pocket Healer/Group, which I really doubt (and hope not) what BioWare was aiming for.

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