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Swtor's Secret Space Project Speculation


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In terms of a space combat related PVP gamemode, i think they should just rip Battlefront 2's space combat RIGHT out and plonk it into a PVP match.


  • Start off on faction ship (Either Republic or Empire obviously) and get in a ship and start dogfighting in OFF RAILS combat.
  • Head toward enemy ship and land in docking bay, jumping out and heading to the ship's defences (Shields etc)
  • After depleting enemy shields you work with your team to sabotage the hyperspace engine.
  • After the objective above has been completed you can place charges on the main engine and blow the ship sky high.


Bare in mind that this kind of gamemode would need around 30-40 player PVP game.

That would be AWESOME!


Sadly I bet all they'll give us is 2 player co-op, on rails.

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i'm going to laugh when everyone has gotten themselves into a mouth frothing tizzy about the "secret" space project and it turns out to be neat for those who didn't selfhype it, but terribly lame for those who super selfhyped themselves into a mouth frothing tizzy. it shall amuse me, and your nerdrage tears shall feed me!:jawa_evil:
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A PC in your starship living quarters that runs emulators of X-Wing, Tie Fighter, X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter, and X-Wing Alliance that you can play with other guild members :) Also, an arcade on the fleet with all the old Star Wars arcade and console games...
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They will probably add 2 more linear space missions then make a video about it.

It'd be a good one though, Bioware make great videos. :)




Well, they mentioned a few months back about adding in space PvP, which inherently means there has to be free-flight.


Mmmm...... you'd think so. I certainly can't remember a PvP tunnel shooter.

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Okay, I know it's tough, but focus here... FOHHHHHCUSSS...


You said they've been working on the LFG tool for 6 months. Source?


Yeah it was probably more like 3 years. Their LFG tool consisted of putting an icon next to a players nameplate rofl. Talk about a half *** LFG tool.

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If you don't believe me. Start up your SWTOR client, log into your character, find the "LFG" tool. Click "LFG" and now you are looking for group. Seriously.


You're going off on a tangent again, bud. FOHHHHCUSSS!! You were talking about development time for the tool that's coming. No source. No one knows how long it actually took to develop.


Thank you for clarifying that. ;)

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They have just laid off somewhere between 20-40% of their staff. Where should the manpower for a "secret project" come from ?


Same place the manpower for any other projects come from? I don't think they've decided to stop making new content due to layoffs.

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You're going off on a tangent again, bud. FOHHHHCUSSS!! You were talking about development time for the tool that's coming. No source. No one knows how long it actually took to develop.


Thank you for clarifying that. ;)


If they had a place holder for the LFG tool since launch, you can logically conclude they have been working on it since launch. Focus, let it sink for a bit like this game is doing.

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If they had a place holder for the LFG tool since launch, you can logically conclude they have been working on it since launch. Focus, let it sink for a bit like this game is doing.


No, you can't logically conclude that. And given your meandering so far, I'm not going to get into why that is except that they haven't been working on it until lately, as it wasn't a priority for them BECAUSE of the /who function.

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No, you can't logically conclude that. And given your meandering so far, I'm not going to get into why that is except that they haven't been working on it until lately, as it wasn't a priority for them BECAUSE of the /who function.



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Source? I don't think they spent 6 months coding it... Game isn't even 6 months old...


1. December - game launches

2. January

3. February

4. March

5. April

6. May - current month with still no LFG on live servers.


You're correct it hasn't taken 6 months, it will take longer.

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1. December - game launches

2. January

3. February

4. March

5. April

6. May - current month with still no LFG on live servers.


You're correct it hasn't taken 6 months, it will take longer.


You misunderstood. That doesn't mean they were coding that specific software for 6 months. To be realistic, they probably didn't start coding it until about a month and a half ago.


That's what I was responding to. He said it took them 6 months to develop it. It didn't. It may have taken nearly 6 months to decide to start developing it, yes.

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Bare in mind that this kind of gamemode would need around 30-40 player PVP game.


in original post, this is the point im sure the developers are stuck at. I'm sure they know 30-40 ships in space will mirror the 30-40 people in illum pvp and thanks to hero engine , it will lag to shlt.

Edited by Raumin
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