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[SUGGESTION] Change the Quest-system, add more travel between Planets!!!


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I absolutely adore this game so far. While my Jedi Guardian was a bit of a letdown (both in terms of gameplay, and Story), the Sith Assassin has given new life to the game.


However, it's not all rainbows and butterflies. Something I noticed while questing in Alderaan is that, while each Planet is wholly unique and amazing to look at, I'm normally ready to leave and never come back by the time I'm done with them.


So then, it dawned on me -- why not change the Questing-system a bit, and involve more bouncing-around Planets?


Now, I know what you're thinking; "That's a ton of voice-acting that has to be re-done". Not true; by simply *adding* a bit of dialogue here or there, you could effectively have "Transfer Quests" that send you to other planets.


For example, I start a Sith Inquisitor. I roll through Korriban and Dromund Kass, exactly as I normally would, and make my way to Nar Shadaa. Then, half-way through, I'm instructed by a Moff to aid the Empire on Tattooine. While I might do many of the same quests as the current Tatooine, the first area(s) would be scaled-down to appropriate level. Then I might be called back to Nar Shadaa, which in turn might end with me visiting Alderaan briefly, before returning to Tatooine.


Maybe I'm level 30 running around Taris, and see level 45's running around the same areas, but accessing restricted areas. Or being level 20 in Tatooine, and seeing level 35's being the only ones able to brave the endless dune-seas.


The goal here is three-fold; it makes your Space-ship feel more relevant, it makes each world feel a little more "special" by breaking up the monotony of staring at the same locations, and makes the stories feel a little more lasting. Doing two missions for the same person isn't nearly as engaging as doing one mission for them, then seeing them again like five levels later!




So, there you have it. I realize it would still take a *LOT* of work, as well as some Voice-Acting, but I think it would give the game a much different, much better feel. I can tell, you folks at BioWare have experimented with this a bit, with Class-Quests sending you to certain areas for one-off questlines, but by applying that logic all over, it would greatly improve the feel of the game, I think.

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I can see the appeal of what you say, but I think it's a bit odd for keeping a fluid storyline. I have the most experience with the trooper so maybe it is different for other quests but that storyline has one "mission" given by the C.O. For each planet. In breaking that up across 3 planets it seems a bit annoying to me and would make me ask why my C.O. Is so horrible at logistics...


It would be nice to have a reason to go back to a planet later (seems like a huge waste of potential there) but I think it would only be able to affect side quests. I do hope the ship is given more purpose later though, right now I'd almost rather take a taxi from planet to planet and skip the needlessly large walks to and from my ship for a 10second mouse click.

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Sooo... we'd be left with a chain: get a quest -> go to spaceport -> run to shuttle -> run through station and airlock -> fly (looooaaaaadiiiiing) -> run through station and airlock -> run to quest objective.


On Voss, at least as smuggler

you receive a simple go to and talk to 3 NPCs, each on different planet, quest. It took me 15 to 20 minutes to complete because of this chain.



I get your point, but at this very moment any planet-switching quests would be only a pain and a great deal of whine. But if you have sacrifice few minutes to actually go to ship, or to get through spaceport only (damn you Corruscant!) it's getting annoying time-sink, not fun.

Edited by dadamowsky
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Fair points. Maybe they could either implement inter-planetary shuttles, or -- better yet -- streamline the whole "getting to your ship" process? They already have shuttles to get you to Flashpoints, and I'd really just like to see Planets made to feel more "connected" somehow.


Ironic, I suppose, but as long as the changes weren't terribly inconvenient, and not done too often, I still like the idea, anyway :p

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