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Please, just one thing, ill be happy.


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Please give me a root/non-channelled stun in annih spec. Sucks most classes have knock backs yeh, makes huttball problematic? kinda. Sucks more we dont have one? kinda, but id find it more fitting if we had force-choke non-channelled.


The one thing i find more gimped then anything else is that not only do other classes have knock backs, they have knock backs with roots attached and also they have ranged stuns/roots. Making it fairly easy to stick me into a trap on huttball.


The only way i can stick someone in a trap (as annih) is by channelling a buggy move, or charging them. I can also snare.

Carnage has it better with a root on 10m range, and root with ravage.


I just want to troll people in huttball like ive been trolled a few, embarrassing times. Im scared to walk through fire with my 2min CD on CD.


I have to play super serious in huttball as everyone and their mom are trying to burn you.

I mean, its seriously retarded when im in the pit (area under bridges with the speed-up buff) and get this... get KNOCKED UP! onto the very edge of a fire trap and get rooted there. ***?

(Yes it was a sorc knockback, I have it recorded, just need to render it)

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Just give marauder force push and a CC immunity after force charge


It's not that *********** complicated


what would that do?


Improve mobility

Give marauder a stun

Give marauder a knockback

Give marauder more defence

Edited by mastersloup
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Well as a carnage marauder I find it easy to immobilize someone on the fire.


But yeah, we dont have any good stun, except the AoE Scream which is a decent stun but long CD and breaks on damage.


And those knockbacks....how many times you charge on a shaft and instantly before you put your feet on the ground your thrown down again? :p


However I'm not complaining, I have good fun in Huttball with carnage spec.


The only thing I could ask is, ok we are the only class without a knockback, at least gives us a way to be immune to it for a while. It's almost impossible to kill a range class on a shaft when they have they CDs on (protip(sarcasm): Try to allign yourself in a position that after the knockback your still on the shaft) and they throw you down. Most of the time I just use force cloak and leg it. :p

Edited by DarkRoiku
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I use a carnage spec and a non channeled stun is definitely the answer to my problems in pvp. It's so aggravating to see other players stun me and then pull off huge crits while I'm stunned. Then when I stun them with force choke my damage is like half or even a third of what they can do during their stun. That's telling me that a) force choke damage needs a buff or b) it needs to be like everyone else's stuns so that I can use a couple of abilities while they are stunned.


Force choke just seems kind of pathetic when you match it up to everyone else's stuns.. Plus I can't even use my stun defensively like others can(stun and run away). If I need to stun someone in the fire in a huttball match, I have to stand their and channel(which can be interrupted easily). If it was non channeled, I could just pop it and be on my way like every other class. The only stun we have being a channeled ability is a horribly limiting in compassion to the other melee classes..

Edited by Ekryth
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