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Need advice. "General" fight on Ilum


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Can't remember his name off the top of my head, but there's a quest that's part of the main storyline on Ilum where you have to kill this republic general, and I'm banging my head against a wall in frustration because I can't seem to beat him.


He has Boss-level fight mechanics that seem tailor made to thwart a BH merc.

First, he has a seemingly unlimited interrupt ability, including stun, grappling hook pull, and pushback. This makes tracer missile very hard to get off. It has even interrupted my healing medpack... I didn't think that was possible.


Second, every so often (at least 4 times in the fight) he goes invisible and summons adds.


Now, I'm no slouch when it comes to ability. I can usually handle 2 gold elites in 1 fight. My gear is all rated 126. My companion (Mako) is geared to at least 106.


Any Arsenal mercs beat this guy? Can you help me out with a good strategy? I am getting out of his white target reticle that he puts on the ground under you, and trying to stun him whenever possible. I just can't seem to get by this guy.


Any help appreciated.

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When i beat him i had blizz out and tanking, and I just nuked his ***.


Blizz can hold his threat? I've had a bit of problems with the tanking companions. Seems I throw 3 tracers out and I've already grabbed agro. I have only used skage. Spent 300k+ credits gearing him up because I had to use him for a quest and just barely survived the fight.

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Don't use Mako. She's useless because he puts a healing debuff on you that makes you receive no heals. I used Torian there.


I just popped everything at start and tried to bring him as low health as possible before he disappeared during the first 2 times. As soon as he reappears after, I brought his health down right before he disappeared the 3rd time and I stunned him, removed as much health as possible and then popped On The Trail and stunned him again. He was dead before the end of the second stun.


Hope that's helpful.

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That dude is a pain with the debuff he stacks. That being said there seems to be 3 ways you can kill him.


1. Grab a friend. With 2 ppl he is very easy

2. Use a dps companion (dont know how well this work but ppl have done it)

3. Use line of sight on him when debuff starts to get high until it drops. This is how I did it and is very easy. Basically I fought with mako till about the 3rd time he disappeared. that's when the debuff started to stack. I then kept the generators between myself and him. Once the debuff drops off you can come out and straight dps him down again.


First time he killed me when trying to DPS straight up the whole fight. He cost me 40k in repairs before I just gave up. When I came back to try for the second time LOSing I killed him on my first attempt.

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