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[Video] Watchman Spec PvP Video Full Champ


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Great video, but i did see a few mistakes. I play mara so most of my skills references will be on ur mirrior side.


1. use of Deadly Saber while your in mid-air, and not when you actaully get to the target cause then you waste a GCD.


2. Use undying rage at 20% health not earlier and not later. use it earlier and u lose too much health, but if you use it too late then when u come out of it use basically dead.


3. dont pop Cloak of pain when its not needed.


4. Use expertise comsumables and medpacs a ALOT more.


5. target weaker players but carefully when going after a sorc..generally have help with you.


6. and no offense but learn of peel after the first bomb on voidstar so ur shadows, and sages can run thru and setup defences/ plant ( depending on if ur offence or defence.)


7. use cyc slash ( i think that wht sweeping slash is called for you guys) to keep centering up when u have excess rage in between fights.


Thats all i have for you sorry i sounded critical but thats all i saw, but great job in general. :)

Edited by Afflicted_Fury
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Anyone else amused by how foreign that sounds? :p


That said, pretty spot on. Carry on, Imperial scum!


Really dude? u can edit my quote if u like but dont bash someone cause they picked the same class as u...on my main pvp server i have a sent and JG. So as for me enjoying story on both sides i have to saying even me playing a light-sided mara im enjoying the story more on the imperial side.


P.S. If your being sarastic then I'm sorry but sarcasm is really hard to read on the internet.

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Really dude? u can edit my quote if u like but dont bash someone cause they picked the same class as u [snip]


P.S. If your being sarastic then I'm sorry but sarcasm is really hard to read on the internet.

Yes, that was sarcasm. And yes, it can be hard to pick up on in text form.

Trying to add some light-hearted fun to the thread. Failed. Apologies.


Having never looked at Marauder skill names, I did find it amusing to find out what was what based solely on context.

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Can we see a similar video against people your level? I watch you smash on noobs for 5 minutes and when you did attack a 50 you did next to no damage. I'm just sayin'...



Edited the first post with a new(ish) video.


Will get more footage tonight. I'm getting 400 biochem tonight and will post some new videos.


I've been constantly getting 200k+ games.


Thanks for the feedback!

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