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Republic vs Empire - Mirror Images


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So after moping about Ilum some more it seems quite clear that faction balance at this moment is a complete failure. And is anyone really surprised? Empire seems to appeal to a lot more players than the Republic(yours truly included).


And what is the difference between them, purely gameplay wise? Nothing... All classes, all skills, absolutely everything is the exact mirror image of the equalent in the opposing faction, which the exception of the names.


Does anyone else find this extremely carebear and boring? MMO developers seem to be deathly afraid of diversifying anything. Now, I know there are loads of people fired up and ready to present the arguement: "It's about balance". Which is why I call it carebear. At this time there is absolutely no incentive to make more people pick the Republic faction, which is desperately needed for PvP in this game to be anything else than game upon game of Huttball.


If an MMO developer were to actually say: "Look, this faction gets this stuff, and this faction gets this stuff, we will do our best to balance it, but we don't want you to be exactly the same", would that be such a bad thing really? Diversity is fun in my opinion, and I'd rather have a lot of that and a few angry people than a game where one faction is seemingly dead.

At this moment there are over 50 imperials in the pvp area in Ilum, and there are about 4-5 republic. Yes it is the middle of the day, but that applies to both factions.


I know it is way too late to do anything about it now, just something to think about.

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