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Final Jedi Mission= Crap. (spoilers)


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I've enjoyed playing this game for the last month or so, but I am seriously getting tired of the corridor-based combat and really just want to see the end of the Jedi saga. Today I finally attained level 50 and started flying through the final Jedi missions, ignoring basically all of Corellia because I wasn't getting XP anymore and wanted to avoid as much corridor battle as I could.


I get to the final battle, just after the Corellia sector. And here's where I hit my final straw... So after 50 levels and countless hours spent, I get some lame 2 sentence speech to my crew basically saying, "we have to win" followed by some awkward nodding as each crew member walks up the ship ramp (mind you, without compensating for the angle/slope, so they're all walking at the angle of the ramp and it just looks dopey.)


Clearly, they wanted to do some sort of final pre-battle ME2 drama, but it failed miserably.


But it gets worse...


So I finally get to the emporer's temple, after navigating Dormund Koss, hopping shuttles, etc-- and suddenly, without warning, I find that the only companion I can have with me is T7-01! Yeah, the one I stopped outfitting since level 12!


There was no warning like "I know you spent nearly the entire game and over $200k on equipment for SGT Rusk and Kira but you will now be forced to use T7-01, anyway, because it's cute and you are emotionally attached to him since he was your first".


Unfortunately, T7 has done nothing but slicing missions since I realized that his beeps are annoying for hours upon hours. *** would they force a companion at the most critical junction of the game?


He was dead within 2-3 hits from mobs right off the shuttle with his level 12 or so gear, and I ultimately decided I was going to die without competent help. So I then had to backtrack through everything I had just fought so that I could take yet another shuttle to get to my ship to get back to the republic fleet (my fleet pass was used 4 hours earlier).


Of course there's no T7-01 equipment AT ALL for sale in the galactic market, and I had already blown nearly every commendation on crap to sell, so that option is off the table. I now have to find a way to outfit T7-01 and my only option may be to do most of the missions I had skipped, which is back to more corridor battles. ...or beg some poor bastard I've never met before to babysit me during my final run.


Bad form, writers.

Edited by BrinkLogan
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I feel your pain since I was like that in beta. (Which is also why I remind JK player to gear up T7 whenever I group with one.)


However you should be able to find cybertech that make droid item or buy modable droid gear with commendation.

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Dude, thanks for the heads up, and for your information?

This applies to Sith Inquisitors as well.

Their mission for act 1?? The last boss?

You are forced to use Khem val, when many dropped Khem val at Tatooine the moment

they got their smuggler/pirate guy, they are forced to fight a boss who spams

AOE like nuts, with a severely undergeared Khem. = Impossible to solo.

So really Bioware, if you are going to FORCE US to use something, please

WARN us beforehand.

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Actually there is a a puzzle in one of the rooms that, when solved, it reveals a chest containing gear for T7. However, last I heard the chest is bugged and to open it you have to leave the story area, then go back in. Also, there is another bug that makes the gear in the chest green, even though it should be blue. AND Bioware has said that they are working on making the fight more balanced, whatever that may entail...
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Dude, thanks for the heads up, and for your information?

This applies to Sith Inquisitors as well.

Their mission for act 1?? The last boss?

You are forced to use Khem val, when many dropped Khem val at Tatooine the moment

they got their smuggler/pirate guy, they are forced to fight a boss who spams

AOE like nuts, with a severely undergeared Khem. = Impossible to solo.

So really Bioware, if you are going to FORCE US to use something, please

WARN us beforehand.


As a side note.. I did not use Khem at all for anything past lev 30 or so.. not once so your statement is not ocmpletely accuracte about SI.


I used Xalek the Jedi (forget her name) and Xalek from the moment I had him.

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Well after playing a lot of bio ware games.. I always upgrade all my companions.. You never know when you will loose one or have to use one that you normally dont.


Agreed, and I did this for awhile on some of them. But not once during the entire story did it ever happen where I was suddenly forced to use a specific companion outside of a cut scene (no actual combat).


So I just gave up as it was too expensive.


Then... Whamo!

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As a side note.. I did not use Khem at all for anything past lev 30 or so.. not once so your statement is not ocmpletely accuracte about SI.


I used Xalek the Jedi (forget her name) and Xalek from the moment I had him.


Esauru is referring to killing Zash at the end of Act 1 when you are bestowed the title of Lord. Zash states in a cutscene before the mission that you should bring Khem only, which excludes the option to bring Andronikos (sp) - Khem was the most geared companion I had anyways at this level so I did never attempted to summon Andonikos for the Zash fight.

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Dude, thanks for the heads up, and for your information?

This applies to Sith Inquisitors as well.

Their mission for act 1?? The last boss?

You are forced to use Khem val, when many dropped Khem val at Tatooine the moment

they got their smuggler/pirate guy, they are forced to fight a boss who spams

AOE like nuts, with a severely undergeared Khem. = Impossible to solo.

So really Bioware, if you are going to FORCE US to use something, please

WARN us beforehand.

Uh I soloed it with khem.... The trick don't stand in the AOE....

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I've enjoyed playing this game for the last month or so, but I am seriously getting tired of the corridor-based combat and really just want to see the end of the Jedi saga. Today I finally attained level 50 and started flying through the final Jedi missions, ignoring basically all of Corellia because I wasn't getting XP anymore and wanted to avoid as much corridor battle as I could.


I get to the final battle, just after the Corellia sector. And here's where I hit my final straw... So after 50 levels and countless hours spent, I get some lame 2 sentence speech to my crew basically saying, "we have to win" followed by some awkward nodding as each crew member walks up the ship ramp (mind you, without compensating for the angle/slope, so they're all walking at the angle of the ramp and it just looks dopey.)


Clearly, they wanted to do some sort of final pre-battle ME2 drama, but it failed miserably.


But it gets worse...


So I finally get to the emporer's temple, after navigating Dormund Koss, hopping shuttles, etc-- and suddenly, without warning, I find that the only companion I can have with me is T7-01! Yeah, the one I stopped outfitting since level 12!


There was no warning like "I know you spent nearly the entire game and over $200k on equipment for SGT Rusk and Kira but you will now be forced to use T7-01, anyway, because it's cute and you are emotionally attached to him since he was your first".


Unfortunately, T7 has done nothing but slicing missions since I realized that his beeps are annoying for hours upon hours. *** would they force a companion at the most critical junction of the game?


He was dead within 2-3 hits from mobs right off the shuttle with his level 12 or so gear, and I ultimately decided I was going to die without competent help. So I then had to backtrack through everything I had just fought so that I could take yet another shuttle to get to my ship to get back to the republic fleet (my fleet pass was used 4 hours earlier).


Of course there's no T7-01 equipment AT ALL for sale in the galactic market, and I had already blown nearly every commendation on crap to sell, so that option is off the table. I now have to find a way to outfit T7-01 and my only option may be to do most of the missions I had skipped, which is back to more corridor battles. ...or beg some poor bastard I've never met before to babysit me during my final run.


Bad form, writers.

they make you use t7 because that's how Revan fought the emperor with his t3 and scourge which would make more sense if you had to use scourge as he is waiting for the jedi he saw in a force vision that would defeat the emperor.
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