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My frustrating SW:TOR experience or how EA fails at customer service


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I'm not sure if it's good or bad. Hopefully all the glitches will be fixed by the 20th. The pre-release gameplay seems to be a real stress test for both the game and BioWare's ability to solve problems for future or immediate fixes.


The thing I'm not thrilled with is the lack of customer support on the boards, let alone moderation. I have had two issues with the game, never resolved, over the past few days. I have tried to contact CS via email and phone, to no response (although I think it's kind of funny the way the recording for the phone service says, 'Due to unexpected high volume of calls...' I mean, SW is gigantic in fanbase. Enexpected? Really?


No, the thing I don't like is the lack of CS regarding issues with the game, yet when I tried to circumvent the profanity filter (something pretty rampant in the forums, it would appear) to clarify what the OP of this thread BioWare told him to do, I recieved a warning from BioWare less than an hour later. I'm not saying what I did was right, but the priorities seem a bit skewed in terms of what the real issues are.


Meanwhile, I watch my cyber-mouth and wait to play. ;)

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