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ADVICE appreciated: Good Euro server for Empire side PVP


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So took "advice" from some and rolled Euro RP-PVP server Lord Calypo, as people claimed Republic won "at least 80 % in Warzones there" now having a level 50 there that is not my experience at all. Also i even see the so called PVP guilds Empire side still failing a lot in Warzones even on their 4 man premades (maybee the 4 others in the Warzones suck so bad they drag the whole team down ?...)


On my Empire chars i win at least half the games (as it should be) and it feels ok to even solo que as about half the times i end up together with a good premade team on my side (even though its Huttball for the 100th time :-) So it is not difficult to get 3 wins in reasonable amount of time for the daily PVP mission (on Republic side it often takes painfully many hours to get those 3 wins)



So what would be a good Euro PVP server with an ACTIVE PVP community to roll as Empire ? Your advice is very much appreciated. PLEASE if you can also explain why your proposed server is good :-)


Already made a couple of toons (lower level) and tested some servers for PVP to get a foundation for my decission.


Thank You again :-)

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