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[VIDEO] So you think healers are worthless? Part 2


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And once again to everyone commenting that I was against a bad team and no one was interrupting me; my response is that I made this video as a pug vs pug perspective. This was not supposed to be ranked, this was not supposed to be a battle of epic proportions. It was to show an average game of how a healer can/will win a game for you.


Sure, it's much harder to heal when people are interrupting me, but that just gives me room to kite them and have the rest of my team beat on them while I force sprint away and snare the people on me. There will always be a time when I can heal to full in a matter of seconds.


At the end of it all...just /sigh you guys will never be able to be pleased or listen to reason. This is by far the worst forum I've ever seen in any MMO in 10 years :-/.

Edited by RoughRaptors
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What absolutely no one seems to understand about me being biased about Sage/Sorc is that...well I'm not biased. I will admit right now that sage/sorc healing is the best in the game and the other classes need to be brought up to par with it. See what I did there?



Thing is, it's not only your healing that's better than other healers, your survivability is a also ridiculously better than Bodyguard mercs.

Let me start with saying I don't feel useless as a bodyguard merc because I usually can keep up long enough for reinforcements to arrive so they don't cap objectives.

But when I have 1 melee focussing me, I don't stand a chance, I can stay alive for as long as I have my dmg reduction shield active that makes me immune to interrupts but that's about it. I have no means to get away from melee, I can't outheal their damage and I don't have shields, my heavy armor counts for nothing in pvp since 90% of the damage ignores armor.


So yeah, you might not consider yourself OP but that only means other healers are massively underpowered which I don't think is the case since I'm doing fine, just not nearly as good as sorcerers.

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Thing is, it's not only your healing that's better than other healers, your survivability is a also ridiculously better than Bodyguard mercs.

Let me start with saying I don't feel useless as a bodyguard merc because I usually can keep up long enough for reinforcements to arrive so they don't cap objectives.

But when I have 1 melee focussing me, I don't stand a chance, I can stay alive for as long as I have my dmg reduction shield active that makes me immune to interrupts but that's about it. I have no means to get away from melee, I can't outheal their damage and I don't have shields, my heavy armor counts for nothing in pvp since 90% of the damage ignores armor.


So yeah, you might not consider yourself OP but that only means other healers are massively underpowered which I don't think is the case since I'm doing fine, just not nearly as good as sorcerers.


I agree completely with this. Sages/Sorcs are at a level above where the other healing classes are, this needs to be changed. It does not mean we are OP, it means the other classes need a fix.

Edited by RoughRaptors
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