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Option to turn off particles = alot better FPS :)


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The original question / request is valid. When flying by a destroyer that has 12 plumes of smoke rising from it in space combat my fps drops from 100 to 50. Even 50 fps should be acceptable but it's a stuttering 50 fps not fluid.


So either an optimization or an option to adjust the detail levels of smoke / fire would allow me to have a smooth / fluid experience 100% of the time.

Edited by Akiwoodoh
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Hi. If there was an option to turn of/turn down the particles (fog, smoke etc), the FPS would have been boosted alot. When i enter a room/cave that is filled with fog or smoke, my FPS goes down to 10 to 0 no mather what settings i run.


Anyone else feel the same way?


I already disabled shadows, if I disable particles too, I might as well just turn off the computer.

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. . . I'm not trying to sound rude or insult you, but PC gaming is more than just buying some random laptop or desktop. . .



My pc gets 30+ FPS throughout most of the game (maxed out graphics at 1080 resolution) and there's one spot in a cave in Korriban where that goes down to 10 due to heavy use of particle effects in the room.


And the PC is 6 months old with a great CPU and 2 Gb graphics card.

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I specifically stated I wasn't posting to insult and you then insult me? 10-0 FPS is not a fix that can be done by disabling features, for that low of FPS you need hardware upgrades. Does that suck for him/her, yes, but the truth sucks sometimes.


Because saying you don't mean to insult/hurt someone first makes it okay to insult/hurt the person after.


"Hey I said I didn't mean it, so it makes my attitude okay"



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You can tell people who are "new" to PC gaming by reading these forums sometimes. :)


PC games have "ALWAYS" given way more options when it comes to graphics than a console ever could. That's just a fact okay?

Matter of fact, I was shocked to not see options to change your draw distance and particle effects down in this game. It tells me that Bioware really haven't a clue on how to make a game for the PC.


It's one of the reasons people love their PCs. More options, more options, and .... More options.

Sadly, this trend of less options seems to have caught on in PC gaming of late. From games that you have to have the dvd in your drive to play it, up to less video options. So sad really.


Bring back our PC games please.


People (not all) want draw distance and particle effect options! For the love of all that is gaming. Give em' to us please? Stop taking the options out of the players hands.

We get it Bioware! Your particle effects are awesomesauce! Now can I please turn them down before I throw up? o.O

Edited by IHIavok
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You can tell people who are "new" to PC gaming by reading these forums sometimes. :)


PC games have "ALWAYS" given way more options when it comes to graphics than a console ever could. That's just a fact okay?

Matter of fact, I was shocked to not see options to change your draw distance and particle effects down in this game. It tells me that Bioware really haven't a clue on how to make a game for the PC.


It's one of the reasons people love their PCs. More options, more options, and .... More options.

Sadly, this trend of less options seems to have caught on in PC gaming of late. From games that you have to have the dvd in your drive to play it, up to less video options. So sad really.


Bring back our PC games please.


People (not all) want draw distance and particle effect options! For the love of all that is gaming. Give em' to us please? Stop taking the options out of the players hands.

We get it Bioware! Your particle effects are awesomesauce! Now can I please turn them down before I throw up? o.O


Thing is, its something I've come to expect from a console port, not from a game built for a pc

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You can tell people who are "new" to PC gaming by reading these forums sometimes. :)


PC games have "ALWAYS" given way more options when it comes to graphics than a console ever could. That's just a fact okay?

Matter of fact, I was shocked to not see options to change your draw distance and particle effects down in this game. It tells me that Bioware really haven't a clue on how to make a game for the PC.


It's one of the reasons people love their PCs. More options, more options, and .... More options.

Sadly, this trend of less options seems to have caught on in PC gaming of late. From games that you have to have the dvd in your drive to play it, up to less video options. So sad really.


Bring back our PC games please.


People (not all) want draw distance and particle effect options! For the love of all that is gaming. Give em' to us please? Stop taking the options out of the players hands.

We get it Bioware! Your particle effects are awesomesauce! Now can I please turn them down before I throw up? o.O


Thank you :)

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Makem Te Assault. Huge loss of FPS every time I fly by smoke. From 114 to 29...


NumFrames; 22830

Time; 273.81601

MinFPS; 29

MaxFPS; 114

AvgFPS; 83

Min Radeon GPU Tc; 67

Max Radeon GPU Tc; 72

Avg Radeon GPU Tc; 69

Min Radeon GPU U%; 0

Max Radeon GPU U%; 99

Avg Radeon GPU U%; 73

Min CPU Tc; 57

Max CPU Tc; 66

Avg CPU Tc; 61

Min CPU U%; 5

Max CPU U%; 31

Avg CPU U%; 16

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Hi. If there was an option to turn of/turn down the particles (fog, smoke etc), the FPS would have been boosted alot. When i enter a room/cave that is filled with fog or smoke, my FPS goes down to 10 to 0 no mather what settings i run.


Anyone else feel the same way?


That's because smoke is a VERY GPU intensive effect. In every game.

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What? You guys sonud like im kidding here :S Im not sitting on a 486, neither am i sitting in a super computer. It runs the game good enough :)


I will not post aything on these forums again :) With this kind of answers why should i?


You said something that could even remotely be understood as a bash against how this game is designed. For future reference it's like this: Try going to tell a mother with her kid staring at the sun while drooling isn't a bit... slow. That mom will tell you the kid isn't slow and is instead the brightest kid in the world. Besides who do you think you are wanting options to change things like particles, draw distance and the like?


You better be happy with your 1990s Sega Genesis level of options. Give them time.

Edited by Shortwave
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With that overclock it should be able to spit out more than 10 fps in rooms with fog, I take it that you mean pve areas where only you and some npc's roam?


I get more on my old dual core thinkpad, so something is messing it up for you.

I take it that you already tried disabling AV etc. and that your DirectX is up to date?


Do you know how to edit the games ini file?


You could try adding: DynamicLightsLimit = 2 and set your shadows to low if they aren't there already.

Else I can't really guess what could be up, since I don't have drops down to 10fps :/


i have actually looked for the ini file and cannot find it in the main game folder...is it another folder some where else on the computer.

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i have actually looked for the ini file and cannot find it in the main game folder...is it another folder some where else on the computer.


Windows 7 64 bit:



Replace <USERNAME> obviously.

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Hi. If there was an option to turn of/turn down the particles (fog, smoke etc), the FPS would have been boosted alot. When i enter a room/cave that is filled with fog or smoke, my FPS goes down to 10 to 0 no mather what settings i run.


Anyone else feel the same way?


Heres an idea!

Get a real video card?


It's bad enough as it is, the engine is so dated.

Edited by Your_dominus
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