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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Are you Cancelling? What would bring you back?


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What would bring me back is if Bioware told us their plans for macros, addons, LFG, combat logs, working GTN and custom UI.


I don't expect it to be implemented in 5 days, just let us know what's going on. Otherwise it really looks like they just don't care about the future so why should we?

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How about you get off these forums about cancelling.


A.) If they cancelled, you really think they'd be in here?

B.) This gives room for those people who did cancel and expect to seek that their opinion matters by blasting the forums with posts that they aren't rejoining on how bad this game is, and by seeking attention on these forums.

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So just curious! Who is canceling their accounts and what would have to take place in order for you to come back. Also if you are staying what qualities made you choose to stick to it?


Better customer service.


Meaningful PVP - I don't mean bracketed warzones or Ilum as it stands.


Less nerfing of the crafting professions and actually beef the weaker ones up.


Beefing guardian up a bit so for example the later skills in the tanking tree are useful and help us gen more threat.


Bugs I can live with provided Bioware actually have a roadmap to fix them.

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Due to the nature of threads discussing cancellations or quitting, they receive a large amount of unwarranted negativity and spam replies. If you would like to make constructive suggestions geared towards improvement of the game, or discuss game issues/bugs, we encourage you to participate in the following threads:


The Ultimate Bug List

The Suggestion Compilation


We will now be closing this thread. Thank you for your cooperation!

Edited by CommunitySupportEN
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