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Commando PvP Twitch.tv Stream


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I will be streaming roughly 8-12 hours per day as well seeing as how I am unemployed currently (3d Video Game Artist).


So come criticize me all you want, we have fun in Skype call to, just come in and have a good time!

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I now have 4 Pieces of Champion Gear, I have also gotten 3 Relics from Champ bags :(


And I have on piece of the Centurion Gear....


Getting geared up is fun, and I have gotten pretty lucky with Champion Bags....


Come tell me how bad I am lol.... Or just hang out and chat with me!

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Rolled an Imperial Operative today cause of the blatant imbalances this game has towards the Imperial Side of things...


Did some research before picking a server and it seem that the server "The Fatman" is pretty balance as far as the Imp to Rep ratio is concerned....


I am lvl 15, and loving the class so far... Currently LvLing with a friend who is running a BH and we are blowing through things...


If you are interested in Imp Ops come check out the stream :)



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