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Help with aquiring PvP medals.


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Hey guys, I just hit 50 earlier this week and I'm wondering if any of you have some tips for getting the 5k damage medal as a Gunnery Commando. I'm biochem so I'm able to get the 5k healing with the Rakata Medpac if I let the pvp debuff wear off but I'm having a hard time hitting the 5k dmg single hit. I'm currently in a mix of blues, centurion & champion gear and my highest crits usually range from 3-4k.


My rotation usually goes grav round x2 -> Demo Round -> HiB. I'm thinking if I pop my champion crit trinket + a rakata surge adrenal + pvp expertise buff, I may be able to get that 5k with a demo round. I'm guessing this will come a lot easier once I get into the higher tiers like Battlemaster but I'm just curious if it's possible.


Anyone have any experience with this? Thanks.

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Honestly? easiest way is to double stack expertise buffs with adrenal + relic and use assault plastique. Gunnery has a harder time cause you have to stack 3x grav rounds for demo round to crit that high, usually targets will not have 5k hp remaining after a 3x stack or they will have used a personal % damage reduction cooldown. Target has to have 5k hp for the 5k medal to count.
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