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Teach me how to play - How do I fight two "Strong" silver mobs at the same time?


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I'll be the first to admit, I might not know how to play a marauder property or how Bioware expects me to play marauder. I was one of those guys who died an awful lot before i reach the 30s -40s when things went pretty smoothly. I can handle sliver with several weak mobs and i can handle elite mobs pretty well now, but I find myself still struggling to fight 2 sliver mobs right next to each other.


I'm near the end of chapter 3, and have been doing well to mow down silver and elite mobs, but when it comes to 2 silver mobs, i have do die at least once in order to take down one silver and revive to take down the next. Sometimes I use quinn or one of the tank companions to off tank, but by the time i take one down, my companion is dying or dead and i've used up all my servival/defense abilities.


Can anyone offer some tips please?

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Have you been keeping on top of your gear? (Trading commendations for mods, etc)

What spec are you running?

What skills are you using?

How geared have you kept your companions?


We need a fair bit more information about what you are doing, before we can say what you should be doing.

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Use Obfuscate; relatively short cooldown, really good defensive move when you're playing offtank, and often overlooked in the craze of spamming out rage and generating it. Interrupt casted abilities. Chances are these things hurt like a *****. Spam out Berserk as much as possible if you're Annihilate spec, it heals you for quite a significant amount. Don't be afraid to use Channel the Force. Carry stims/medpacks. Cloak of Pain should be always on cooldown, it reduces 20% incoming damage for 30 sec every 1 min. A bit of burst DPS can be done at the start with Force Charge > Savage Kick, and if you're Annihilate every other Force Charge. If one of the mobs is a healer, use Throw Saber to reduce the amount the mob heals your target.
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Have you been keeping on top of your gear? (Trading commendations for mods, etc)

What spec are you running?

What skills are you using?

How geared have you kept your companions?


We need a fair bit more information about what you are doing, before we can say what you should be doing.


I'm carnage. I'm as geared as what quests usually give me. I haven't ran as many flashpoints in recent levels, but I'm puting on anything that gives me the most str and crit as possible. Quinn is my best equipped toon, all through drops and quest rewards.


I feel i'm equipped well enough that gear shouldnt be an issue and if it is, i'll use stims. what i'm really looking at or wondering is how i should approached the fights. i know my priority system relatively well, but i feel like i start off with a bang and end with a whimper, barely struggling to finish off the strong mob, which gets me into trouble for the next one.

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I'm carnage. I'm as geared as what quests usually give me. I haven't ran as many flashpoints in recent levels, but I'm puting on anything that gives me the most str and crit as possible. Quinn is my best equipped toon, all through drops and quest rewards.


I feel i'm equipped well enough that gear shouldnt be an issue and if it is, i'll use stims. what i'm really looking at or wondering is how i should approached the fights. i know my priority system relatively well, but i feel like i start off with a bang and end with a whimper, barely struggling to finish off the strong mob, which gets me into trouble for the next one.

Well I think your biggest problem is gear then. If you're only going off of quest gear, you're missing alot of extra's from crafting, or commendation pieces.
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You using Malavai Quinn ?


With Quinn i just facerolled through anything.



When i was using Jaesa i would let her tank one while i destroyed the first as fast as i could and then we focused on the second. Usually i could even take an Elite + a Strong together. But i was Anni so i had Berserk to help me.


Time your CDs properly, use Obfuscate A LOT, keep Cloak up most of the time and the golden rule: INTERRUPT. Yes. Interrupt everything you can. Specially hard hitting AoEs.


Also, avoid just getting "orange items" through commendations, get mods / armoring and keep your gear up to date. Warriors need to have a good gear to survive.


Sometimes you can even use Force Camo to let your companion take the blunt of it while you recover or wait for cooldowns.

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Not too sure if you are lvl 50 yet or not, but I had similar problems. Before the ~40's handling 2 silvers was a joke and in the later planets you get your *** handed to you. Mobs start hitting much much harder. Like somebody posted, using cloak of pain and obfuscate (which I did not do as I was one of those that simply tried to burn mobs quickly) and using berserk are habits you need to pick up. They will make things much smoother for you.


Some personal input, if you are enjoying carnage spec I would focus more on power and surge instead of crit. Carnage gives you free moments of 100% armor penetration and you want everything done in that small window to hit it's hardest. Surge will boost that free force scream crit more and power is just free constant dmg. If you are still struggling I do recommend giving annihilation a shot, low cooldown and no minimum range on force charge, cheap and low cooldown interrupt, fast fury generation and great ramp dmg on longer fights.

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Blow all your cooldowns including the 20min one because fights with two strong mobs are rare.


I use Jaesa, so I would have her fight one strong while I burned the other. Usually I could burn the first down by the time Jaesa dropped to ~1/4th, 1/3rd health, and me at anywhere from 20-60% depending on the type of mob. Start blowing cooldowns and burn him as fast as possible. If jaesa died before the first strong mob died, I would start popping cooldowns then.

Edited by Sayc
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Thanks for all the comments guys.


I interrupt, but i found that the interrupt mechanic in this game is... different compared to "that other game." It seems like i can't interrupt as often as i should since it goes on cooldown, so i resort to force choke as my second interrupt. but some mobs seem to constantly be casting, sometimes the same skill over and over again. This is true especially when they are medics or use medpacs. I can only interrupt every other cast, because my interrupt is on cooldown when the NPC is ready to cast the same skill again. Though this doesn't make or break a fight for me, it does drag it on for longer than it should, and when i'm fighting 2 strongs, the longer the fight worst the outcome is.


Also, i do buy accommodation gear, sorry for not mentioning that. but i feel the leveling is so quick that gear is replaced after every level that its either hard to keep up or not worth keeping up, expecially since i'm fine the majority of the time. only in the late levels did i start to notice 2 strongs together in groups. this is something that only started to appear around 45+ if not 48+


The only thing i'm not doing is flashpoints and heroics as much as i should. i suppose i'm notas gear as those who do. but my logic is, if i get gear from heroics and flashpoints its to prepare me to run hoerics and flashpoints. what i'm doing is solo content, so i would imagine rewards from solo content will help me in solo content. with that said, i suppose it is my fault i'm not super geared to face a 2 strong group situation.

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When leveling, I only found multiple Silver melee dps mobs to be 'hard', as in my opinion, they are the hardest hitting mobs you run into. Droids spamming missiles can come close, but you can interrupt those missile blasts, and CC a droid, making any multiple Silver droid/turret fight far easier than multiple Silver melee dps fights. The Silver melee dps mobs have very few cast/channels, so a lot of their damage can't be avoided.


Quinn has a short CC (hopefully it'll be fixed to be as good as the Republic healing Companion's CC in that their Companions can keep a mob locked down permanently-it sounds like the patch notes on the test server addressed this).


You have obfuscate, saber ward, cloak of pain. I tended to use one at a time, to extend the duration I was taking reduced damage.


You should use your Fury to burst your way down. Don't be afraid to use your 3 min CD to use your Fury to continue bursting your first Silver down. The faster the first Silver dies, the easier it is for you.


I'm not sure what level you are exactly, but you might have Intimidating Scream, which is another short CC.


You can interrupt via Force Charge as well. People tend to forget.


Now, a trick I used a lot when using a DPS Companion in a hairy fight, was to Force Camo to wipe my aggro-technically it drops it to like 1, rather than zero, but you get my drift-and let my Companion now become the top dog on the hate list. They tend to now have so much more accumulated aggro than you that you can finish off the fight with your sliver of health without regaining aggro and dying. It's like a mini extra healthbar for yourself in a sense. If the fight was hard enough to force you to do this, your Companion is not likely to live long, but hopefully that breathing room is all you needed to extend the fight and finish them off.

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