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Marauder my 2 cents


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I refrained from posting on the forums about the marauder until I hit 50 as I wanted to give decent feed back about how I found the class




I used annihilation spec for most of my levelling with a healing companion, when soloing through the levels I found there wasn't much I couldn't kill most silver's dropped very fast and I could handle 2 silvers on their own or 2-3 trash and a silver or up to 6 trash at once. Gold's always presented a problem just to the shear damage they can do to you. I found I needed to use all of my cool downs to beat a gold mob but hey isn't that how it should be.



I found this a fun class to play, my only gripe is the amount of damage the class takes, but if you tag a player that's already engaged you can tear through them without too much difficulty.

Group Play:


This is where I believe the marauder comes into its own. I play with friends frequently and if I'm not with them you can clearly see the damage difference. With the dots and sheer damage of the Marauder class I believe it's second to none. When unleashed with a healer backing you Marauders are unstoppable and a seriously fun class to play




Ok well the only thing I truly believe they need to change is our resistances/defence rating. The marauder class is too lightly armoured for the job it has too do period. As far as damage goes I think they can leave it where it is. I believe if they did this it would stop a lot of people thinking that this class is broken. I do belive a lot of this is how you play this class also, the better you understand this char the better the gameplay.

Edited by Devilblissx
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