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Stats for BH mercenary, accuracy and crit, or power and surge?


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was hoping for some advice, i have a 45 merc. arsenal, wondering whats better for end game, aim+accuary+crit(what im doing now) or aim+power+surge? With the stats im using now i do pretty well in pvp and pve, my crits are pretty high(over 2.5k) and with my shields and stuns my health usually dosnt get to low eather. Just wondering opinions on whats better for end game raids stat wise. Should i switch over to aim power surge for raids? not sure because like said so far the whole game ive gone aim crit accuracy. Any constructive criticism is more than welcome. Thx
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aim > crit > accuracy/surge


Just my opinion. Lvl 50 Arsenal Merc. After stacking as much aim as possible for all its benefits to damage, I want as much crit as I can get for burst. After that, accuracy and surge are basically even. Accuracy will effectively increase overall damage by reducing misses and then decreasing damage reduction (past 100%), while surge makes you even more bursty. Surge is only really worthwhile if you also have a very high crit %.

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Aim is always good. Take Accuracy to 100%. Crit starts to soft cap at 35-39%, so don't push much beyond that. Take Surge to ~85% (About 300 rating) starts to see diminishing returns after that point. After that start dumping into power.
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Without a combat log there are no log parsers, and without parsed logs any guidance you see on forums about which stats are best is akin to Chinese herbal medicine; it might make you feel better about your choice, but it's bull s#it.


No. You don't need a combat log to read a character sheet to see what stats benefit you more. Yes, we know, you are trying to slip in a plug for recount, again.

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