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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Swtor future best mmo.


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It's pretty safe to say that the majority of the people complaining about bugs were not playing wow when it first released. You want to talk about "game breaking" bugs? You should have seen that game.

Guess what. This isn't 2004


The market isn't going to CARE if WoW had worse problems. What matters is HERE and NOW.



I tried using that same excuse to defend Warhammer online. And no matter how much i used it, people were still leaving in droves

Edited by Blackwater
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It's pretty safe to say that the majority of the people complaining about bugs were not playing wow when it first released. You want to talk about "game breaking" bugs? You should have seen that game. For a good amount of time, nobody could raid Molten Core (the only high end raid in the game). The other end-game content was extremely lackluster, professions were a pain in the ***, there was really no PvP... I can go on. But you have Star Wars, a game that has twice, possibly triple the amount of content WoW had, and you are all complaining. Unsubscribe, move on with life, and come back if the game one day fits your standard (the one that nobody could ever achieve).



i agree but I also have yet played an MMO where people didnt call out their /unsub on the forums. I dont understand why people think this started with SWTOR...

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Hello all,


We are going to go ahead and close this thread. We appreciate any and all feedback, provided it is constructive. Creating threads which attack the community is not constructive.


We ask that you please see this thread from AllisonBerryman regarding constructive posting on the forums.




As there is little room for constructive discussion in this thread, we are going to close it. Thank you.

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