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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So who left


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GW2 seems like the most promising and well made MMORPG ever. Award winning art team, award winning developers, innovative ideas/features, beautifully done combat, open worlds with huge cities.


GW2 will be everything TOR isn't.


lol :rolleyes:

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I never played WoW because that game sucks and looks stupid. Also cartoon high fantasy elves and gnomes make me feel like I'm playing a game designed for 12 year olds.


I have no idea how the pandas are going to look, but I bet I'll LOL in real life when I see a screen shot of them.


Apparently, by the posts on this forum, the fact that I never played WoW has contributed greatly to my enjoyment of SWTOR, as I don't have to constantly compare it to WoW and complain all day that this game is not a big enough clone of that other game.


100% my view.


Never played WoW. Loving TOR.


/Happy camper!

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Whille it very well may innovate till its heart content, I PERSONALLY will never, EVER touch a B2P mmorpg.


That's so ignorant. You're basically saying you'll never play an MMORPG where you don't have to pay monthly for it.


Do you realize how stupid that sounds? P2P MMORPG's design their content around grindy elements so players have a reason to log on.


GW2 won't be doing that, and not only are their worlds massive and beautiful, they have game features that are actually innovative and amazing.


BW2 MMO's don't mean the quality is going to drop off... that's quite the opposite with GW2.

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Can't we just play both GW2 and SWTOR? I mean one is F2P??? Also i lol every time i see people complain and whine on these forums. Half the people complain about this game doesn't have enough features like WoW and the other half complain that it has too many features like WoW. Just enjoy whatever game you want, seriously no amount of whining and flaming will get anything done. If you don't like the game then be constructive and either quit and stop weighing our forums down with your rubbish or stay and actually make constructive suggestions to the devs.


I like it therefore i play

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Isn't that really why almost everyone leaves WoW? In the vain hopes they will find something to cut off their seemingly unbreakable attachment to that game?


IMO that's why so many MMO's fail. They copy WoW, then wonder why players who are already painfully bored of playing WoW find their new game quickly boring.


QFT x100

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